Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (2024)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (1)Rune of Reflection (--)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune ; tier 3
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: melee/personal
Cooldown: 15
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Instant (0% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Activate the rune to create a protective shield absorbing and reflecting at most 210 damage for 5 turns.
Its effects scale with your Magic stat.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.You can see your own image mirrored in the surface of this silvery rune.

Rune of Reflection (--)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (2)Rune of the Rift (482.00 temporal damage, removed from time 4 turns)
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / rune ; tier 3
When inscribed on your body:
Effective talent level: 0.0
Use mode: Activated
Range: 6
Cooldown: 14
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Usage Speed: Spell (100% of a turn)
Is: a spell
Description: Inflicts 482.00 temporal damage. If your target survives, it will be sent 4 turns into the future.
It will also lower your paradox by 25 (if you have any).
Note that messing with the spacetime continuum may have unforeseen consequences.
It can be used to inscribe your skin with the rune.Magical runes may be inscribed onto your body, granting you an on-demand spell talent.

Rune of the Rift (482.00 temporal damage, removed from time 4 turns)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (3)Sealed Scroll of Last Hope
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: scroll / scroll
It can be used to open the seal and read the message.Magical scrolls can have wildly different effects!

Sealed Scroll of Last Hope

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (4)Ancient Tome titled 'Gems and their uses'
0.10 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: scroll / tome
Magical scrolls can have wildly different effects!

Ancient Tome titled 'Gems and their uses'

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (5)Choker of Dread
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Physical power:
+5 (+1 eff.)
Blindness immunity:
+5 (+2 eff.)
See invisible:
It can be used to summon an elder vampire with Taunt to your side for 15 turns

Activation costs 30 power out of 60/60.

The evilness of undeath radiates from this amulet.

Choker of Dread

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (6)Daneth's Neckguard
Crafted by
a master
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+6 Str / +6 Con
Changes resistances:
+20% physicalA thick steel gorget designed to protect its wearer from fatal attacks to the neck. This particular gorget was worn by the Halfling General Daneth Tendermourn during the pyre wars, and judging by the marks along its surface may have saved the General's life on more than one occasion.

Daneth's Neckguard

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (7)Unflinching Eye
Powered by
arcane forces
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
-25% light
Changes resistances cap:
-25% light
Change telepathy range by :
Grants telepathy:
Blindness immunity:
Confusion immunity:
Infravision radius:
Activating this item is instant.
It can be used to activate talent Arcane Eye (costing 30 power out of 60/60) :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 30 out of 60/60.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Summons an ethereal magical eye at the designated location that lasts for 16 turns.
The eye cannot be seen or attacked by other creatures, and possesses magical vision that allows it to see any creature in a 6 range around it.
It does not require light to do so, but it cannot see through walls.
Casting the eye does not take a turn.
Only one arcane eye can exist at any given time.
At level 4, if cast on a creature it will follow it until it expires, or until the creature dies.
At level 5, it will place a magical marker on the creatures, negating invisibility and stealth effects.
Someone has strung a thick black cord through this large bloodshot eyeball, allowing it to be worn around the neck, should you so choose.

Unflinching Eye

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (8)Withering Orbs
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Damage (Melee):
5 mind
Damage (Ranged):
5 mind
+5 (+1 eff.)
See stealth:
See invisible:
Blind-Fight: This item allows the wearer to attack unseen targets without any penalties.These opalescent orbs stare at you with deathly knowledge, undeceived by your vanities and pretences. They have lived and died through horrors you could never imagine, and now they lie strung in black chords watching every twitch of the shadows.
If you close your eyes a moment, you can almost imagine what dread sights they see...

Withering Orbs

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (9)protective copper amulet
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / amulet ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Changes resistances cap:
+2% all
Physical save:
+7 (+3 eff.)Amulets make your neck look great!

protective copper amulet

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (10)Bloodcaller
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Mental save:
-7 (-3 eff.)
You heal for 2.5% of the damage you deal.
Healing during current combat:
0.00You won the Ring of Blood trial, and this is your reward.


Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (11)Mnemonic
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+8 Wil
Changes resistances:
+25% mind
Talent mastery:
+0.20 Psionic / Mentalism
Mental save:
+20 (+6 eff.)
Confusion immunity:
Psi each turn:
+12 (+4 eff.)
When using a mental talent, gives a 10% chance to lower the current cooldowns of up to three of your wild gift, psionic, or cursed talents by three turns.
Talent on hit(mindpower): Mental Refresh (10% chance level 1).
Activating this item is instant.
It can be used to activate talent Mental Shielding (costing 15 power out of 30/30) :
Effective talent level: 2.0
Power cost: 15 out of 30/30.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a mind power
Description: Clears your mind of current mental effects, and blocks additional ones over 6 turns. At most, 2 mental effects will be affected.As long as you wear this ring, you will never forget who you are.


Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (12)Nedar the stralite ring
Infused by
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Armour penetration:
Physical power:
+15 (+4 eff.)
+30 (+7 eff.)
Effects on melee hit:
20% chance to reduce strength, dexterity, and constitution by 16
Changes stats:
+8 Con
Changes damage:
+9% mind
Physical save:
+16 (+8 eff.)
Only die when reaching:
-60.00 lifeRings make your fingers look great!

Nedar the stralite ring

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (13)Wheel of Fate
Powered by
arcane forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:

It can be used to re-generate the item with random stats. Can only be done three levels after the last reroll. Cannot be unequipped unless a reroll is available, or you are level 50

Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1.

"This isn't what I wished for!" - Howar Muransk, Cornac demonologist.

This band of gothic obsidian menaces with an embossed image of a grinning skull. It beckons you to tempt fate and put it on. Do you?

Wheel of Fate

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (14)pixie's copper ring of life
Powered by
arcane forces
Infused by
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Cun / +3 Mag
Life regen:
Maximum life:
+7 (+3 eff.)
Healing mod.:
+10%Rings make your fingers look great!

pixie's copper ring of life

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (15)sneakthief's steel ring of pilfering
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
+15 (+4 eff.)
Armour penetration:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Changes stats:
+5 Cun / +5 Dex
It can be used to activate talent Disengage, placing all other charms into a 5 cooldown :
Effective talent level: 3.2
Power cost: 5 out of 10/10.
Range: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: Jump back up to 5 grids from your target, springing over any creatures in your way.
You must disengage in a nearly straight line directly away from your target (which you must be able to see).
After moving, you gain 172% increased movement speed for 3 turns (which ends if you take any actions other than movement), and you may reload your ammo (if any).
The extra speed and maximum distance you can move are reduced by your Fatigue level.
Rings make your fingers look great!

sneakthief's steel ring of pilfering

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (16)sneakthief's stralite ring of life
Infused by
Crafted by
a master
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
+13 (+3 eff.)
Changes stats:
+8 Cun / +4 Dex
Life regen:
Maximum life:
Healing mod.:
+15%Rings make your fingers look great!

sneakthief's stralite ring of life

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (17)stralite ring 'Aeryrin'
Powered by
arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
Infused by
psionic forces
0.10 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Armour penetration:
+14 (+3 eff.)
Changes stats:
+6 Cun / +10 Wil
Changes resistances:
+14% arcane
Changes damage:
+14% arcane
Critical mult.:
Mana each turn:
Mana when firing critical spell:
Spellpower on spell critical (stacks up to 3 times):
Maximum mana:
+10 (+3 eff.)
It can be used to activate talent Disengage, placing all other charms into a 5 cooldown :
Effective talent level: 3.2
Power cost: 5 out of 10/10.
Range: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: Jump back up to 5 grids from your target, springing over any creatures in your way.
You must disengage in a nearly straight line directly away from your target (which you must be able to see).
After moving, you gain 172% increased movement speed for 3 turns (which ends if you take any actions other than movement), and you may reload your ammo (if any).
The extra speed and maximum distance you can move are reduced by your Fatigue level.
Rings make your fingers look great!

stralite ring 'Aeryrin'

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (18)titan's stralite ring of life
Infused by
0.10 Encumbrance.

Type: jewelry / ring ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+6 Con
Physical save:
+12 (+6 eff.)
Life regen:
Maximum life:
Healing mod.:
+14%Rings make your fingers look great!

titan's stralite ring of life

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (19)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
Demonraze the voratun greatmaul (180% power, 4 apr)
- Strength 48

Infused by

arcane disrupting forces
5.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / greatmaul ; tier 5
It must be held with both hands.

Power: 180% Range: 1.5x
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
30 arcane resource burn
When wielded/worn:
+20 (+5 eff.)
Changes stats:
+6 Con / +4 Wil
Changes resistances:
+18% darkness / +15% cold
Critical mult.:
Physical save:
+24 (+10 eff.)
Only die when reaching:
-100.00 life
Light radius:
+4Massive two-handed mauls.

Demonraze the voratun greatmaul (180% power, 4 apr)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (20)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
elemental voratun greatsword of evisceration (175% power, 4 apr)
- Strength 48

Powered by

arcane forces
Crafted by
a master
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / greatsword ; tier 5
It must be held with both hands.

Power: 175% Range: 1.6x
Uses stat: 120% Str
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.4% crit mult (max 40%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon hit:
* Create an explosion dealing 45 lightning damage (1/turn)
On weapon crit:
* Wound the target dealing 221 physical damage across 5 turns and reducing healing by 50%
When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Physical power:
+19 (+5 eff.)
Changes resistances penetration:
+42% lightning
Changes damage:
+42% lightningMassive two-handed swords.

elemental voratun greatsword of evisceration (175% power, 4 apr)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (21)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
Nudraldir the voratun mace (154% power, 6 apr)
- Strength 48

Crafted by

a master
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / mace ; tier 5

Power: 155% Range: 1.4x
Uses stat: 100% Str
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% base dam (max 20%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
On weapon crit:
* Cripple the target reducing mind, spell, and combat action speeds by 30%
When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes resistances:
+24% lightning / +27% fire
Changes resistances penetration:
+34% mind
Reduces incoming crit damage:
Mental save:
+24 (+8 eff.)
Knockback immunity:
Life regen:
Maximum stamina:
+40.80Blunt and deadly.

Nudraldir the voratun mace (154% power, 6 apr)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (22)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
truestriking voratun waraxe of ruin (150% power, 6 apr)
- Strength 48

Crafted by

a master
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: weapon / waraxe ; tier 5

Power: 151% Range: 1.4x
Uses stat: 100% Str
Damage type:

Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When wielded/worn:
+24 (+6 eff.)
Armour penetration:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes resistances penetration:
+15% physical
Critical mult.:
+35.00%One-handed war axes.

truestriking voratun waraxe of ruin (150% power, 6 apr)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (23)Emblem of Evasion
Crafted by
a master
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / belt ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Ranged Defense:
+20 (+5 eff.)
Changes stats:
+12 Dex / +10 Cun / +8 Lck
Deflect projectiles away:
Slows Projectiles:
Activating this item is instant.
It can be used to activate talent Evasion (costing 15 power out of 30/30) :
Effective talent level: 6.4
Power cost: 15 out of 30/30.
Range: melee/personal
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Description: Your quick wit and reflexes allow you to anticipate attacks against you, granting you a 36% chance to evade melee and ranged attacks and 52 increased defense for 4 turns.
The chance to evade and defense bonus increase with your Dexterity.
Said to have belonged to a master of avoiding attacks, this gilded steel emblem symbolizes his talent.

Emblem of Evasion

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (24)Phoenixsteel (0 def, 0 armour)
Infused by
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: armor / cloth ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+18 Str / +4 Dex / +16 Mag / +19 Wil / +4 Cun
Changes resistances:
+24% lightning / +28% cold / +5% arcane / +39% fire / +30% mind / +15% all
Changes damage:
+51% lightning / +41% physical / +35% fire / +30% mind / +46% cold
Reduces incoming crit damage:
10.00%A cloth vestment. It offers no intrinsic protection but can be enchanted.

Phoenixsteel (0 def, 0 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (25)Worm Nest (0 def, 0 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / cloth ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+15 Mag
Changes resistances:
+13% all
Reduce damage by fixed amount:
+22 all
Changes damage:
+22% blight
+15 (+7 eff.)
Spell crit. chance:
Movement speed:
It can be used to activate talent Carrion Feet (costing 8 power out of 20/20) :
Effective talent level: 3.0
Power cost: 8 out of 20/20.
Range: 7
Travel Speed: instantaneous
Is: a spell
Description: Your feet start to continuously produce carrion worms that are constantly crushed as you walk, passively increasing movement speed by 26%.
You can also activate this talent to instantly destroy more worms, letting you jump in range 7 to visible terrain.
Upon landing you crush more worms, creating a radius 2 cone of gore; any creatures caught inside deals 70% less damage for one turn.
If at least 1 enemy is effected by the cone you gain an additional 20 insanity.
This unusually thick robe constantly wriggles and squirms. Small worms sometimes pop out of it, dropping to the floor. The worms will cushion attacks against your person, but you somehow do not like the idea of having so many parasitic creatures so close to your vulnerable flesh.

Worm Nest (0 def, 0 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (26)Aetherwalk (6 def, 0 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / feet ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
+6 (+1 eff.)
Changes stats:
+8 Cun / +8 Mag
Changes resistances:
+25% arcane
Changes damage:
+25% arcane
+15 (+7 eff.)
Defense after a teleport:
Resist all after a teleport:
New effects duration reduction after a teleport:
Creates an arcane explosion dealing 95 arcane damage based on magic in a radius of 3 around the user after any teleport.
It can be used to phase door up to range 6, within radius 2 of the target location

Activation costs 12 power out of 24/24.

A wispy purple aura surrounds these translucent black boots.

Aetherwalk (6 def, 0 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (27)Boots of the Hunter (2 def, 12 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Infused by

psionic forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: armor / feet ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Armour penetration:
Physical power:
+12 (+4 eff.)
+2 (+0 eff.)
Talent masteries:
+0.20 Cunning / Trapping +0.20 Cursed / Endless hunt +0.20 Cursed / Predator
Spell save:
+10 (+5 eff.)
Mental save:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Maximum life:
Activating this item is instant.
It can be used to boost movement speed by 300% for up to 5 turns (or until you perform a non-movement action)

Activation costs 16 power out of 32/32.

These cracked boots are caked with a thick layer of mud. It isn't clear who they previously belonged to, but they've clearly seen extensive use.

Boots of the Hunter (2 def, 12 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (28)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
Falulach (0 def, 5 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Powered by

arcane forces
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / feet ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
Effects on melee hit:
27% chance to reduce armor by 25%
Damage when hit (Melee):
10 temporal
Changes stats:
+8 Str / +6 Mag / +12 Wil / +6 Cun
Changes resistances:
+15% acid / +15% temporal
Changes damage:
+15% temporal
Mana each turn:
Maximum mana:
Spell crit. chance:
See invisible:
+30Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm.

Falulach (0 def, 5 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (29)Mardoroddabers (10 def, 20 armour)
- Heavy armour training

Crafted by

a master
3.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / feet ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+10 (+2 eff.)
Changes resistances:
+9% light
Maximum encumbrance:
Physical save:
+20 (+9 eff.)
Mental save:
+12 (+4 eff.)
Cut immunity:
Only die when reaching:
-80.00 life
Healing mod.:
+10%Heavy boots, with metal strips at the toes, heels and other vulnerable parts, to better protect the wearer's feet from harm.

Mardoroddabers (10 def, 20 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (30)pair of hardened leather boots 'Betema' (0 def, 3 armour)
Infused by
psionic forces
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / feet ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+5 (+1 eff.)
Physical crit. chance:
Physical power:
+5 (+1 eff.)
Changes stats:
+3 Dex / +4 Wil / +2 Cun
Changes resistances:
+2% physical
Critical mult.:
Physical save:
+8 (+4 eff.)
Spell save:
+9 (+5 eff.)
Mental save:
+8 (+2 eff.)A pair of boots made of leather.

pair of hardened leather boots 'Betema' (0 def, 3 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (31)Emudasemira the drakeskin leather gloves (20 def, 23 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
Infused by
psionic forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: armor / hands ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Armour penetration:
Physical crit. chance:
Armour Hardiness:
+20 (+5 eff.)
Damage (Melee):
18 arcane
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +8 Mag / +8 Wil / +13 Con
Changes resistances:
+8% arcane / +11% physical
Changes damage:
+10% arcane
Physical save:
+18 (+8 eff.)
Mental save:
+9 (+3 eff.)
Disarm immunity:
+9 (+4 eff.)
When used to modify unarmed attacks:
Power: 133% Range: 1.1x
Uses stats: 40% Dex, 40% Str, 40% Cun
Damage type:
Accuracy bonus:
+0.2% crit chance (max 25%)
Armour Penetration:
Crit. chance:
Attack speed:
When this weapon hits: Perfect Control (10% chance level 5).
When this weapon hits: Stone Touch (5% chance level 5).
When this weapon hits: Manathrust (10% chance level 3).
Damage (Melee):
+14 arcaneLight gloves which do not seriously hinder finger movements, while still protecting the hands somewhat.

Emudasemira the drakeskin leather gloves (20 def, 23 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (32)Kindleblight (3 def, 0 armour)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Random Unique]
Type: armor / head ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
+3 (+0 eff.)
Changes resistances:
+9% cold / +5% arcane / +3% light
Changes resistances penetration:
+5% cold
Changes damage:
+22% temporal / +25% light / +29% physical / +20% arcane / +26% darkness
Maximum mana:
Light radius:
+3A pointy cloth hat, very wizardly...

Kindleblight (3 def, 0 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (33)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
enlightening voratun plate armour of acid resistance (0 def, 16 armour)
- Massive armour training
- Strength 60

Crafted by

a master
Infused by
psionic forces
17.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / massive ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+9 Cun / +9 Wil
Changes resistances:
+30% acid
Mental save:
+25 (+8 eff.)A suit of armour made of metal plates.

enlightening voratun plate armour of acid resistance (0 def, 16 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (34)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
voratun plate armour 'Floesaw' (0 def, 30 armour)
- Massive armour training
- Strength 60

Infused by

17.00 Encumbrance.

Type: armor / massive ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
+20 (+5 eff.)
Physical power:
+20 (+6 eff.)
Changes stats:
+4 Str
Changes resistances:
+15% acid / +14% cold / +20% temporal / +15% fire
Changes damage:
+24% cold
Allows you to breathe in:
Pinning immunity:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
+27%A suit of armour made of metal plates.

voratun plate armour 'Floesaw' (0 def, 30 armour)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (35)4 agate
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / black ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+1 Str / +1 Dex / +1 Mag / +1 Wil / +1 Cun / +1 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 agate

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (36)908 alchemist agate
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: alchemist-gem / black ; tier 1

When used as an alchemist bomb:
Bomb damage +5%
Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

908 alchemist agate

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (37)11 onyx
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / black ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+3 Str / +3 Dex / +3 Mag / +3 Wil / +3 Cun / +3 Con
Latent Damage Type: AcidGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

11 onyx

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (38)Windborne Azurite
Powered by
arcane forces
0.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / blue ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+8 Cun / +8 Dex
Changes damage:
+20% lightning
Damage affinity(heal):
+20% lightning
Movement speed:
Chance to avoid any damage:
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+8 Cun / +8 Dex
Changes damage:
+20% lightning
Damage affinity(heal):
+20% lightning
Movement speed:
Chance to avoid any damage:
Latent Damage Type: LightningAir currents swirl around this bright blue jewel.

Windborne Azurite

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (39)5 aquamarine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+2% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+2% all
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

5 aquamarine

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (40)6 lapis lazuli
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
+6 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Spell save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+6 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Spell save:
+6 (+3 eff.)
Mental save:
+6 (+2 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 lapis lazuli

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (41)4 opal
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+2 Str / +2 Dex / +2 Mag / +2 Wil / +2 Cun / +2 Con
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 opal

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (42)4 sapphire
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+8 (+4 eff.)
Spell save:
+8 (+4 eff.)
Mental save:
+8 (+2 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+8 (+4 eff.)
Spell save:
+8 (+4 eff.)
Mental save:
+8 (+2 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 sapphire

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (43)4 topaz
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / blue ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Spell save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Physical save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Spell save:
+4 (+2 eff.)
Mental save:
+4 (+1 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: LightningGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

4 topaz

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (44)Mummified Egg-sac of Ungolë
Infused by
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: misc / egg
When carried:
Light radius:
It can be used to summon up to 2 spiders

Activation costs 40 power out of 100/100.

Dry and dusty to the touch, it still seems to retain some shadow of life.

Mummified Egg-sac of Ungolë

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (45)13 emerald
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+3% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+3% all
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

13 emerald

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (46)5 jade
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+4% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+4% all
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

5 jade

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (47)2 spinel
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Physical save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Mental save:
+2 (+0 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Physical save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Spell save:
+2 (+1 eff.)
Mental save:
+2 (+0 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

2 spinel

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (48)6 turquoise
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / green ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Changes resistances penetration:
+10% all
When used to imbue an object:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Changes resistances penetration:
+10% all
Latent Damage Type: NatureGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 turquoise

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (49)Borehad the Scaldpall
Infused by
1.00 Encumbrance.

Type: lite / lite ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
Physical power:
+20 (+6 eff.)
Changes stats:
+3 Str
Changes resistances:
+3% fire
Changes damage:
+9% physical
Critical mult.:
Confusion immunity:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Maximum life:
Light radius:
+5Made by the Dwarves, this lantern provides light in the darkest recesses of the earth.

Borehad the Scaldpall

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (50)Summertide Phial
Infused by
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: lite / lite ; tier 1
When wielded/worn:
Damage (Melee):
15 Lite Light Burst (radius 1)
Changes resistances:
+30% light
Changes damage:
+10% light
Light radius:
Healing mod.:
When attacking in melee, deals 15 light damage and lights tiles in radius 1.
It can be used to call light, dispelling darkness and lighting tiles in radius 20.(137 power, based on Willpower)

Activation costs 5 power out of 15/15.

A small crystal phial that captured Sunlight during the Summertide.

Summertide Phial

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (51)Blood-Runed Athame
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: misc / misc
An athame, covered in blood runes. It radiates power.

Blood-Runed Athame

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (52)Crystal Focus
Powered by
arcane forces
0.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 2
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Mag
Changes damage:
+20% arcane / +20% blight
(The created item can be activated to recover the Focus.)
Latent Damage Type: Arcane
It can be used to combine with a weapon (makes a non enchanted weapon into an artifact)

Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1.

This crystal radiates the power of the Spellblaze itself.

Crystal Focus

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (53)Prothotipe's Prismatic Eye
Powered by
arcane forces
0.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / multi-hued ; tier 3
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Mag / +5 Con
Changes damage:
+10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold
Talent mastery:
+0.20 Golem / Arcane
Casts lasers on spellcast when worn or imbued.
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+5 Mag / +5 Con
Changes damage:
+10% lightning / +10% fire / +10% cold
Talent mastery:
+0.20 Golem / Arcane
Latent Damage Type: Lightning
Talent on hit(spell): Eye Beam (10% chance level 2).This cracked gemstone looks faded with age. It appears to have once been the eye of a golem.

Prothotipe's Prismatic Eye

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (54)Dragon Orb (Orb of Command)
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
When carried:
Changes stats:
+6 Cun
It can be used to use the orb

Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1.

This orb is warm to the touch.

Dragon Orb (Orb of Command)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (55)Elemental Orb (Orb of Command)
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
When carried:
Changes stats:
+6 Mag
It can be used to use the orb

Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1.

Flames swirl on the icy surface of this orb.

Elemental Orb (Orb of Command)

Orb of Communication
Powered by
unknown forces
0.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb

Activating this item is instant.

It can be used to speak with someone

Activation costs 1 power out of 128/128.

This orb can be used to speak with someone far away. It is even capable of teleporting small objects back and forth.

Orb of Communication

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (56)Orb of Destruction (Orb of Command)
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
When carried:
Changes stats:
+6 Str
It can be used to use the orb

Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1.

Visions of death and destruction fill your mind as you lift this orb.

Orb of Destruction (Orb of Command)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (57)Orb of Many Ways
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
It can be used to activate a portal

Activation costs 5 power out of 30/30.

The orb projects images of distant places, some that seem to be not of this world, switching rapidly.
If used near a portal it could probably activate it.

Orb of Many Ways

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (58)Orb of Undeath (Orb of Command)
Powered by
unknown forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: orb / orb
When carried:
Changes stats:
+6 Dex
It can be used to use the orb

Activation costs 1 power out of 1/1.

Dark visions fill your mind as you lift the orb. It is cold to the touch.

Orb of Undeath (Orb of Command)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (59)Atamathon's Lost Ruby Eye
0.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: gem / red ; tier 5
When wielded/worn:
Changes damage:
+12% fire
When used to imbue an object:
Changes damage:
+12% fireOne of the ruby eyes of the legendary giant golem Atamathon.
It is said it was made by the halflings during the Age of Pyre as a weapon against the orcs. Even though it was destroyed it managed to deal a crippling blow by killing their leader, Garkul the Devourer.

Atamathon's Lost Ruby Eye

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (60)Petrified Wood
Infused by
0.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / red ; tier 4
When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+25 Con
Changes resistances:
+10% cold / +25% nature / +10% darkness
Reduces incoming crit damage:
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+25 Con
Changes resistances:
+10% cold / +25% nature / +10% darkness
Reduces incoming crit damage:
Latent Damage Type: FireA piece of the scorched wood taken from the remains of Snaproot.

Petrified Wood

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (61)Runed Skull
Powered by
arcane forces
3.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / red ; tier 5
When carried:
Damage when hit (Melee):
25 fire
+7 (+3 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: FireDull red runes are etched all over this blackened skull.

Runed Skull

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (62)12 bloodstone
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / red ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
When used to imbue an object:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

12 bloodstone

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (63)9 fire opal
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / red ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+10% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+10% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

9 fire opal

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (64)12 garnet
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / red ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+6% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+6% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

12 garnet

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (65)7 ruby
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / red ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+4 Str / +4 Dex / +4 Mag / +4 Wil / +4 Cun / +4 Con
Latent Damage Type: FireGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

7 ruby

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (66)Rod of Entropy (1/1)
Powered by
unknown forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: charm / rod ; tier 2
When carried:
Light radius:
It can be used to temporarily causes the target to receive entropic backlash from any healing they receive for 6 turns up to 72% of the healing done. This effect scales with your Magic stat.

Activation costs 38 power out of 75/75.

This rod seems to make light die around it. You feel tired just looking at it.

Rod of Entropy (1/1)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (67)Rod of Recall (3/3)
Powered by
unknown forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: charm / rod
It can be used to recall the user to the worldmap after 40 turns

Activation costs 101 power out of 400/400.

This rod is made entirely of voratun, infused with raw magical energies that can bend space itself.
You have heard of such items before. They are very useful to adventurers, allowing faster travel.

Rod of Recall (3/3)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (68)Transmogrification Chest
Powered by
unknown forces
2.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: chest / sher'tul
When carried:
It can be used to transmogrify all the items in your chest at once (also done automatically when you change level)

Activation costs 0 power out of 1000/1000.

This chest is an extension of old Sher'tul places of power. Any items dropped inside are transported to an other place, processed and destroyed to extract energy.
The byproduct of this effect is the creation of gold, which is useless to process, so it is sent back to you.

When you possess the chest all items you walk upon will automatically be put inside and transmogrified when you leave the level.
Simply go to your inventory to move them out of the chest if you wish to keep them.
Items in the chest will not encumber you.

Transmogrification Chest

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (69)amethyst
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / violet ; tier 2

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+4% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+4% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: ArcaneGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.


Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (70)This item will automatically be transmogrified when you leave the level.
quick dragonbone wand of conjuration [power 400] (5 cooldown)
Powered by
arcane forces
2.00 Encumbrance.

Type: charm / wand ; tier 5

It can be used to fire a magical bolt dealing 692 acid damage

Activation puts all charms on cooldown for 5 turns.

Magical wands are made by powerful Alchemists and Archmagi to store spells. Anybody can use them to release the spells.

quick dragonbone wand of conjuration [power 400] (5 cooldown)

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (71)Burning Star
Powered by
arcane forces
1.00 Encumbrance.[Unique]
Type: gem / white ; tier 3
When carried:
Light radius:
Latent Damage Type: Light
It can be used to map surroundings within range 20

Activation costs 15 power out of 30/30.

The first Halfling mages during the Age of Allure discovered how to capture the Sunlight and infuse gems with it.
This star is the culmination of their craft. Light radiates from its ever-shifting yellow surface.

Burning Star

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (72)Resonating Diamond
0.00 Encumbrance.[Plot Item]
Type: gem / white ; tier 5
Gems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

Resonating Diamond

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (73)9 diamond
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / white ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
Changes stats:
+5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con
When used to imbue an object:
Changes stats:
+5 Str / +5 Dex / +5 Mag / +5 Wil / +5 Cun / +5 Con
Latent Damage Type: ColdGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

9 diamond

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (74)7 moonstone
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / white ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
+10 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+10 (+5 eff.)
Spell save:
+10 (+5 eff.)
Mental save:
+10 (+3 eff.)
When used to imbue an object:
+10 (+2 eff.)
Physical save:
+10 (+5 eff.)
Spell save:
+10 (+5 eff.)
Mental save:
+10 (+3 eff.)
Latent Damage Type: ColdGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

7 moonstone

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (75)10 pearl
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / white ; tier 5

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+5% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+5% all
Latent Damage Type: ColdGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

10 pearl

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (76)6 quartz
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / white ; tier 3

When wielded/worn:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
When used to imbue an object:
Stun/Freeze immunity:
Latent Damage Type: ColdGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 quartz

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (77)7 amber
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 4

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+8% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+8% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

7 amber

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (78)6 ametrine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+2% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
When used to imbue an object:
Physical crit. chance:
Changes damage:
+2% all
Spell crit. chance:
Mental crit. chance:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 ametrine

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (79)6 citrine
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
When used to imbue an object:
Light radius:
Infravision radius:
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

6 citrine

Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (80)3 zircon
0.00 Encumbrance.

Type: gem / yellow ; tier 1

When wielded/worn:
Changes resistances:
+1% all
When used to imbue an object:
Changes resistances:
+1% all
Latent Damage Type: LightGems can be sold for money or used in arcane rituals.

3 zircon
Cookedpoo the level 50 Yeek Skirmisher by Cookedpoo (2024)
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Author: Gregorio Kreiger

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Author information

Name: Gregorio Kreiger

Birthday: 1994-12-18

Address: 89212 Tracey Ramp, Sunside, MT 08453-0951

Phone: +9014805370218

Job: Customer Designer

Hobby: Mountain biking, Orienteering, Hiking, Sewing, Backpacking, Mushroom hunting, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Gregorio Kreiger, I am a tender, brainy, enthusiastic, combative, agreeable, gentle, gentle person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.