Salt Lake Telegram from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)

iHgSAj.T LAKE 'i tUiiUM, 'H-OAY. EVbNlNG, MARCH, 1. 1929, Phone' Wanla.lH 1'o Wssitrh Rotary Head Issues Statement ft Clearing Catholic Controversy ping, Financial and Commercial. News WHEAT MARKET 1IIH Willi NEW YORK QUOTATIONS II" NEW YORK fTIRRMARKRT TORNSUPWARD II III lSiai.1 I A (By the Associated Press) Ueyoolds Tob 3S11 S3 14 1 3211 Hi Itlehfield Oil Cal NEW YORK. March 1 Followlnc Is a NEW YOU IC, March' 1 (Ari Following; Is a liat of transactions on the tcerv York curb market; Large Offerings Easily Absorbed; Corn and Oats Advance 189 closing list today's transactions on lho Mew York stock exchange; Un Biscuit.

1 xUn East Mill' Unit Gas Inrp Un Lt paw A Gypflum I' s. Unlled'Zinc li Roy Dutch i Safewriy Stores zdo 7 PC pf 2t3o 6 TC Pf St Joseph Lead iSlj 614 6-1 STOCKS (Sales in hundreds.) iSIa.jIIlEh Low Last .,11 S21i sSflOli 7'i laia-jlllEhl Low ICloae Hi Ahltihl row ran Advance Itumley Ahumada Lead Id ISO 7SS xdst San l'ran r.y Editor's note The hint of disapproval expressed by the eonsistoria congrcga-tion at Rome against priciti havinoj any connection with Rotary clubs either as mem- or speakers before Rotary meetings has drawn the interest of thousands of Ro-tarlans, Thz United Pi'ess has obtained a statement, set forth below, by R. B. Sutton, president of the Rotary Interna tional, who has been in Rome holding a scries of conferences ith high church authorities far tho purpose of terminating the controversy that had developed and clear the: situation. Sutton is en route to New York on th Berengaria, 1 SO f'l: .71 t't 3 05 i -1S04 xUnlv Gold Mln I) Apex Mln rtii.rtLtn.trtf Vacuum oil "-1 Venesnelan l'et Al Chm Iye Allia dial MtE By JOHN P.

BOUGH AN Associated Press Market Editor CHICAGO, March 1 (API Readi ISO egB Willi ICU $25 Points in Am lir Ilov li Am Dept Stores Am i For Pow Vi'a Am cas Eleetrli Am Maracalba Am Superpower A do Anglo-Am Oil Eli 43 14 126 4 -3 '97' Walltar Mln'cs 3l'i 7 ".4 Amerada Lealher Am Beet Suffar A mnocIi Masneto Am Brake Khoa so 511 43 121ft in 9 714 3 25 Bill EI i'i 110 Jl'l 17i S7 12114 99 S3 lisi; Wrnden Cop 26 Kt MLIs SchuKa Stores seaboard Air Line. Sears rtoabuck Seneca Copper Shell L'nion Oil Slmmcna Co 4 Plninis retrol Sinclair Con Oil Shelly OH So Cal Hdlson eouthern raclfic JEFFERSON SAX UK DAT Flm race, SloOO, cUUnintj, a-year-oMs and up, mile and sixteenth Xlrtcla Parts 'Hi, Queen Royal 53. Woollatt 104. 123 Am Can 60 Spading s'atia Glance Anglo-Chll Con Nit 3614 'J'-'i US 3 it xArlzona, Glebe neeiin sterl- Wire Wheel Woodley Petrpl Oil Gas Yell Tar; qab frenlth Radio J711 3114. 714 311 2314 Blli Asso Gas St.

Electrlcl Peter Cecoy 109, Jane Brooker ifl4jj Eea 130 HS'i 251! no S3 11! 79 Jlo 'i 12 li S31i( Strt n' Atlantic Lobos Atlas Port Ceru. new Auburn Auto Benson lledgea. J'. DOMESTIC BONDS. (Sales In 31000.) nScomlii Coppfr iinftv hick at S3 N32'A Bohn Alum Kt Urass! Aiabanin, 414a G7 3314 SSI1.

53 Am Car Fdry Am Chicle Am fc Fsn IJover Am hom*o l'rod Am Am llelal A mPow Light Am Radiator Am nepuLlica Am Safely naz Am Smelt KcC Am Sltel Pdra Am Kocftf Etf Am Tel Tel Am Tob Am 1Toolen 93 106'' Iludrt Is Mlg Win I' 6s 2016 7 105 A milling dlinrcs lend 5J S3 Bunker Hill Sul 35 Appalacli -row 5S 5C Cent St ES191S. 03i IDO 9514 9L 3511 JJJfj Slrady; 5imn- Cities Gas J'is 42 Sland Oil Calif do do If Steivart War Spe Sludcbaker Corp Sun Oil Co Texas Corp Can Marc Wireless Carjb Syn neiv Carnegie Metals Celanese Am new Cent Pub Svc A 3014 3514 S7 "jourt in, rortBtar jcu, -jjeicrmau m4, Sprinu -114. Optimist 103, Romany 114, Planter Eddie 109, IIIbj T.fejsa io-i, Edith Gibson B9, FJas Lieutenant Hi, Immortal in, rat Calhoun. 114, Jlrubarb 109. Second race, JlDuu, 3-year-olds and up, six furlongii Sambo 106, Cldsnn 107.

Twinkle Spangle 301, P.cjnlce 10E, Uorouffh, Monger 110, Golden Slsbt 105. JJarltone Qt. Muldoon 110 CJca. Groom lo. Bc-caratonc 111 Fair Argument 93.

fiilona 114. Third race, tlOOO, pure, 4-ycar-oiai and up, six furlongs Hot Time 303, Jim JJean 103, John Speed JUS, Twinkling DB, Genuine 112, Gold Ect 10 6 Mineral-olosrlst 'Fourth rac, CJearvlew. i. year-olds and up, mil and 70 yards Sbajjta Klan 103. Marlboro 107 Croasco 2IST4 17SV1 GO 69 73 SS'i 2 1 14 17 SH 2114 lil 61 IS so; 6 '4 Cent states Electric, By R.

B. SUTTON President of the International Rotary, (Copyright, 1323, toy United AFJOAItD THE S. S. EEREN-GAItlA, En noute- to New York, by Wireless, jrarch 1 (United Press) A recent attack contained in tho article of the Osservatore Horaano Is merely a reprint of the last article In the civllita Catholiea inin- 3S', 37 38 55 11 '38 93 14 56 3IU Am Zinc Lead 3 I 30 Anaconda Copper ISS do Pow 514 a 137. Com Larabee Cs 41 Comwlth'lid 4 lis 67l Cent Gas EI 53 ES Cudahy 5s 1337: Fla Lt 5a 1064 (latlneau'Pt'W 5s' SB Georgia I'ow Ea 67 Uulf OH pa Bs 13171 Ileus Qulf Gas 6s 43 Indep oil Gs 1533..

4. ,171 S3 60l 63 ilO! 41i llik 43 S2i JO 116 171 1J314 SO I SO 3t 95J; 5S 120 SlU Tali 7SIJ 17 11S14 117 llil, 41 107 ItJ 4 30 2014 IS'i 20 13 20 3 163' 163'i 13T 714 7'i 30 2714 2ST4 271a 60 104U 102 102 3 201 20 2014 12! 2014 3814 39 3 341, 3411 3i5i IS '62 SI 30 134H 1314 33 OH 35H 1B211 t4SU 15114 ISO 66 li E4 65 34 .9314 93 92 33 6S14 OS S3 4S14 IS i 73 40 11 40 1 40H 1 3D 13514 13414:135 ICS 91 S91s; 004 27 814 S3 5S 1J 5314 6914 SOU 13 7614 7Elif 173 Hi 17S I 43 2214 2011 2014 18 ISS 131 1814 It'4 19 ,114 3514 81 li E- i 11 it 91 3E4 12 101; 10 1014 121 215 14 2 16 li 21614 10 50 4J1S SO 36 230 226 230 5 22 i 2214 2514 1 51 14S14 Hi's 147 I 5114 El 14 61 14 ilt 3314 tfi', St'k I 77 6814 69'4 1190 19314. 19014 4 1911 lSli 1814 47 4C i 46 10 1I04 109 13914 4 flO'4 SO 3014 142 15914 166 ISSli 14 14 71 74 5 1514 1514 1514 76 123H 124 46 43 12 3S'i 39'i 20T20214 13311 10314 2341 E4i 51'i 6111 2101S3 1S514 1 SO li 35: S3 51 14 52 100 32 31 44 31 '4 4 2S4 2311 23l 10 202.14 201 14 203 SO 2KB 27S 2S5 11 7911 76li 1 6S4 15 33 14 44 IS 11514 116 115 jier jjbullish, vreck-rnd jWrado bujliif. -rjldiMnpointiup; lira- 1I1CACO inceilj Increased i-rFrniroYCiI forrijm Iritaitrunr. mi iitrhcr.

do war y. Centrifugal FIpl Checker Cab new CheSebra Mfg Cities Svc new do pfd 6S1a 11 Andej Cop 5Iin ,.1053 Armojir of 111 A ..13 Arnold Cojia Corp 3 S5 7Si St 11 21 ii 42 tcvj 1511 30 S2f. 303 125 tSTi 40 01i SI 10 Hi SI 13.014 3014 91 35 11 9714 T01 30 i 10614 3814 101 li D71i 9314 5i 105 Cities Svc Pow 7 pf; Tide Water Aa Oil, Tlmken Holl Bear, Tobacco rrod Trariactl Oil xdNnlon Union Oil ot Cal TdUnlun raclfic unit Cigar St ESli 57 Kofi Gas 5a 47 Colombian riyn. Connvealth Edison 13 Hi -107, Genial Host 110.. Comet 107, Boom lished February 16.

3811 104'A 3114 3 311 6S vs Leh FAS SS A 2025' Metro EJls i'Aa 68 NflrraeartKett 5s 57 Comwcallh row pfd Since this was written I have- 611i 50 Ti sew ness With which bis ileUvcrtea ot wheat on ilirch contracts were absorbed led to upturns in wheat values today after initial Total Chicago March' deliveries ol wheat were nearly three times a.s mucle as had been forecast by some authorities. Word ol" good export business in low grade wheat at was a strengthening factor and so too was an advancing market for coin, with export bids'ior corn in the southwest said to be on about a working basis. Wheat closed iirm, sj to lac net Jiisher; corn, to lic up; oats, to to and provisions unchanged to a rise ot 25c. In with' Chicago" March deliveries larger than Mafchr deliveries ot wheat at Liverpool today proved to be smaller than expected, and this ck-cuiustan'ee had' steadying influence. However, there was some selling- of wheat today into store here, and arrivals ot wheat at Kansas City, St.

Tjouis and other points, including Winnipeg, were of considerably greater volume than a year ago. Besides, domestic wheat crop advices wero current today that although severe cold the last tew weeks has done more or less, dnm-afre, the prospects at this time were favorable, for a good-sizied crop, Argentine shippers were reported today as pressing wheat Tor sale in Europo and consigning large quantities unsold to be disposed while afloat on ocean passage. Inasmuch as British and southern Eurpean continental ports were tho only ones open to navigation at present, these outlets were reported as being temporarily flooded with supplies at relatively cheap prices. Meanwhile heavy world1 shipments lov the week again were predicted. r.n.u.Y OTA ISLE 104 N'at Lt' 6s 202G held numerous-conferences In Roma 92 sev, snili 9111 3114 103S 1051A 96i 97 'A 100 11 sow 10GW 98 10414 97 'A 5 911 '104 0114 10514 1021-1 lot 3ii 10314 10114 71 1D0 S3 li 121 SS 10514 ,102 54 iVYPOW '4 15s 67 rTlLK Cs 1050 No State rw Glia 33 l'htla El 515s 1973.

Sh P' 114 G7 77'4i 101 104 ni 5: 0311 73 14 33 16 Oli 10 with tho of the Catholiea, Father Enrico Jlosa, S. and many of the MeThest church authorities, A3 a liornan Catholic myself, I have been explaining; and clarifying the doubts and misunderstandings and pre fV. PRENOSIL Financial Editor March 1 (AP) Bull ildjjn stock issues were i 3to 5 points, many wThigh records, on uring of buying or-ticker fell more than behind the market. changed 17 IB 14 3 103 Gs Z025 WW Lotnsioeic tunnel; Con Cop Mining Con Dairy Prod new Con Bait Con Laundry Corp Continental -OILvtc Copper Bangs Creole Syndicate jCrcsson Gold Crown Central Darby Pet Be Forest Itadio Uurant Motors Elec Bond Share do pfd 1031 mil 9 141 10 10 lOllt 71 1E7 100 j.iii. Fifth race.

J12DD. Tba Bienville htndl-cap, 3-year-olda milts and 70 yardi Sportlnif Grit 102. Lynn Haven 95, ila-iij-er-'a Choice Laurie 116, Uuddy SaU 105, SIcGonleia 105, Shasta, Orange lOi. Woolorac 10 4, Helen Dean 10 War Uuddy iT, Sixth, race, J10O0, clarnilnE-. -yea-c-ld'B and' up, mil and a sixteenth llarasB 110.

Bun 103 Oregon Fir 115, Pclvo 110, Cruelty 113, Stage Strudi 10ti, Corposant HE, Aviator 108, Finland ICC. Seventh race, J1000, clilniins, 4-year cldn and up, mile and quarter 105, Edward Gray lOD, liawkeyc 1.00, Iayina.n 1D5, Ruisell Oardner 109 Gale 10 4, Kajaba 110, Florida Cattltj 100. Border Chief 1H, Itock Candy 100. Coun. ecllor Connolly 110 ndeuse 104 Fot-horn 107, Combeit Pretty Ilun 109, Fenllcbt 100.

"Weather clear, Tfick ilovv; drying out. Asso Dry Ooods Atchison it Atlantic Heflnlns Bait i Ohio Dangor Si Arooa flarnsdall A Ucechnut racking Best Co Uelhlelieni Steel Briega Mfg BKltn Man Trans yrunawick Ity Bucyruo Erie ctp I3ulle Cq1 Zinc Jjutte Sup Ilnlns Byera Co California racking CallaJian Zinc Lead Arizona Calumet Iiecla Canada Dry Ale Canaiilan rac Caje ThTBhlnc ilea Ccrro de PascD Ches fi Ohio ch.eaapca.ka Corp Chi A Altoo nd Chi at tverfern pf Chi ilil St rac do- ufa Chi ft West Chl Rk la i rac Cliile Cop wo Cat Eil Bs 13ii2. tiuii Mil Italsln 614a Swift Co 5a 1333... Un Lt Ity 5 lis E3, Rub 6145 1330. Weslern Pw 514s 57 WheM Btl 4 It a 1353 3 7SM 31i 1'i 74 9311 914 3ST4 11814 88 14 senting a formal statement that 32 3314 131 S3 113 13S i 7S14 34 3014 601 :33 Lealhef A IJ Jtubber Smelt ltd.

Steel L'nlv PIpo Utll row Is Lt Vanadlimi Corp Vlck C4iemlcal Victor Tallt IVabath Ity M'ard nalc Warner Bros iict Jld Western Pacific Western Union Tel, Westlre Air Br Westlns El Mfg-. White Motor Wlllya Overland Wilson fc Co A Woolworlli Co IVrlsht Aero Wrlffley Jr Wm Botary has no connection, with JIasonry or any tlier organization. 61HI 6SH sin nours, wirn TOREIGN HONlia. The statement says that religious itCthe days sales IS6 1213 iss Abitlbl Pow 5s 73 531 40 SS'i 17 swth high record lor H7S tS3 1 Iluen A Prv 7'As 47 15 60 130' 117 1 0 3 101 101 and political discussion is positively forbidden, that notary lias no record whatever of the religious faith of its membership, that notary meetings, activities and records aro do new Electric Elec opt war do 2d pfd Empire Power zrrajardc- Sugar xFalcon Lead. Min Federal Wat A zFireatone Tire A s-ati H3IS 100 1 SB'i 87 7s 95 94 S8S i31i 39.

0214 S574 22 62 37 Illi sell 97 7911 36 94 SS ISli 2114 36rt 39 li S3 zFord Motor Canada UO IS 111 Com Pr Ull 5 te 37 tier Con8 Mun la. All ItaU.Kuper Pw 6s 63 Montevideo 5s 1353. Prussia 14a EI do Es 1953' lluss E'As ct NC 19 paar Basin Cn la 3S Santa Fe AnT 7s 45 Un Indust GISs 1341 WUa 614s 47 A TIJUANA i'cmonstratlon appar-ontimiation the ujujal rally wliicli LCrday's late trading, -cndltlons, the ri'ten-peBcent rediscount wlTork Federal lte-ijth'e publication of iavor-renorts all helped to 94 8li 1311 93 02 'A 2314 S2 37 14 6314 31 l3Si 109 14 107 70 134 67 5i 73 tl 13ST4133 10' 103 10SS 10ii Chrysler Corp 1 1 10 S3 S3 duett roKbody 6S 85 14 1 86 S6. Coca, Cola 1134ft. 134 67S sActoal Biles, Total sales Previous day Week BSD Year ago Januaryl to date Year ag-o Two years ago Foundation Foreign Fox Theatro A General Baking nev do pfd Golden Center Mine Greenfield tlrigsby Grunow Cult Oil Corp ra.

irecla Mining Homaokla Oil STudeon J3ay Humble Oil Ref. Hygrado FDOd 6,021, 300 4.371,250 Holiday 1,737,300 .187,439,440 33,026,500 Slehtliiislasm. IVall CHICAGO. March I (API aActual pales. xCents a.

Ehate. Sales of stocks, 1.312,000 shares; sales of bonds. S3, 405, 000. 0 zrz 14SU 1E014 Wheat- IIICli Low Clost 9' 04 1.2511 '3. 3311 2C5 65 I 51 IS la 12'A 1SVS I 1275 27fl 2S11 27 I 35 32 I 10115371 157 1E7 IS 6 614' tl 25 11911 113KI1I7H 33 I13i 112V4 IIUS 2 IBS IS IS 42 4114 42 70 30 38 58 34 6014 CO CO li 1 214 214 214 150 .0 10? IB ISO 1S511 2 13 13 IS 2 112B 112 1 1 2 r-i 3 59 'SSVi 59 2 13014 139 133-23 714 7 14 71 3 214 214- 3 ISli 1ST! 1 IS 18 '48 13 1334 42 42i 1 112 t41'4 142 4 4 '4 33.14 S314 3 11 14 lltl 1111 2S1 31 SS1 91 1 11311 14311 1311' 177 11314 1171,4 119 1 3711 9714 Stli 1 107 107 107 t4 111 111 3 25114 2B1S 2E11 2 10114 10114 101M 5 111 Hi Hi 01 1614 16 li 1611 1 4514 44,14 4114 1 10014 I0O 100 5 1711 1714 17H 40 2014 2911 .2614 1 32 li 31 33 14 5 14 311 014 7 97 31, S5 1 Hi IK IS 111 1 4 234 '221S 13 1511 1611 16 15 27814 37514 27S 1 107 107 107 El 95 33141 94 14 31 114H 11054 112 4 IS'! 13 13 1 10014 1004 lOO'l 2 61 53 53 50 111 112 U3 1C 32 52 32 2 714 57 14' 175 2401i 232 210 60 5E0 666 6SO 6 1714 16 1514 35 33 32.

3231 25 IS 111 3 7511 754 75S 21 Sl B14 2 1714 1711 14 1S3 TT 1774 14 15014 150 15014 51 1714 II 11 1714 15 1 11 I 22fi 2211 22 2 52 9114 311,4 2 38 11 SS 2S 1E0 307 305 307 7 3314 92 0 311 15 5414 61 5 H5 814 S1J STi 5 GG S7 67 10 5 5 1 211H 210 310 2 2714 2 1 72'i 7231 1211 19 19 184 IS'i -11 li 1 14 30 STi 8 11 814 1 S3 S3 S3 9 IV, 5U G4 2 6114 SIS 6114 15 E3 ESli BSl 1 Hi 111 111 1 21'i llli 2111 1 414 414 411 SO ISli 4Gi 1711 14 SO 200 229 213i 221 7 1314 1314 1914 63 102i 9814 102 3 23011 230 23314 3 11 311 31 ISO 6214 61 li 3 1EE14 15511 IES14 140 57 B5i 5S14 114 3 1 2 E614 S6U Til 4 2114 21 2m 12 214 251 214 20 lOtJi 101 I011S 2 40, 40 40 50 24 31 31 2 4 4 4 2 9 3 9 2 11711 HSli 11514 1 35714 3CD 360 5 14 1 Hi 3 EZ CI '4 62 15 SOU 5014 5011 7 23 li 23 23i 16 79 77 77 120 15014 14311 14914 1 24 14 24 14 2414 1 2311 23 5 23 23 23 25 2S 27H 28 6 S2 6114 GUI IS S214 SO S3 II 4214 llli 12U 3 411 111 111 32 SSVi 8714 8711 1 flli 21 2114 40H 10 14 2 115 113 115 1 US Ills 5 23 11 2311 2311 9 351,4 3514 2514 6 101 3 011 6 IS'i IS IB 2 2 3 3 40 11 11 15 2ST4 2714 2174 2 S2 82 32 138 llli II llli 60 155 150 14 450 14 yfivas believed to be ejine'reased prosper-nder. tho now admin-ash'ihgton. was again the 133 Metals and. Money 291 31T4 80S S1 14 Loinns Amman Colo Fuptl Iron Colum Uaa A El Cplumbfa Graph Com Solvent" Comwll-h. Pqw Conga.

emu Nairn L'nii Cfpar Con CJaa Cont Baklnj? do Continental Can Continental Motors fern Product Cniclbl-a Eteel zlllinola -pipe I.lne.. Grain, Provisions, 11 3 'i lit 14 prite.i of metals at Salt I-ako as rjuotcd by tho Amerl-' Smelting anil ntflntnsr are: Silver, lead, C.03c; capper. 1.28H 1-3114 .3914 1-0214 -1711 -E114 l.CS l.U'i l.lOfl 1. 31 1.03J1 .18 51. .52 1.31T4 1.3011 1.32 .3614 1.001 1.0314 ,4514 .5011 1.10 1.13 l.Uil 661 33 76S 2JS 64 i 11 7H.

2314 Dairy Produce" rformer, adding 25 Ojr-2 -point gain of ladla (old stock) itV; Midland Steel 12; American ,.11 1 A rt r. nnu- 64 741, 2114 St I31i llri 63 9: Cuba Cane Kuj pfd 13S SS4 9114 1211 12 60 l'OUK Slarch 1 (AP) Tia.r fiC'yic; Mexican dollai ij, llT.iij. March, May July Corn' March May July Oats March May. July Kye- March May July Lard March May July nibs May July Bellies March May July CHICAOO, Insurance 1.1214 1-11 '4 12 651. SAJ.T LAKH (Qnolationa Keison-lllclsj Creamery company.) JJfJf TEn Extras, squares or flats, Prima firsts.

Ib 15 F.ndS tyllUgh at t-aep 161 1E714 lSSlj 63 1214: iclimo 10; Wi-lKht a. score of otn- 11.92 12.27 C2 19 T.OXDON', March 1 AD 3ar allvcr, LeGci ounce. Money, ii pel- crnt. Uiscouiit, ratta Sliort ti per" ctnt; 'ihreo months, G-1C per cent. .11.93 .12.30 .12.62 II.

S5 12.22 12.55 200 132 Cudaliy raekltij- Curtis Atra Davison Cheniteal Ola-Vi-arfi Hudson Del Lnck it "Wtiitern I jird. iJrup Inc Pu Font 200 13114 Electric, 13014 72 li 7314 TIohns-Manvillo and Vresh extra 7oultry farm, Haz 57 Selected while, dor 35 Mediums, poultry farm, dijz.i 36 113 115 ISS 7311 If S'j 71 "i 13.50 14.05 13 ,75 14 1S.111 18 18414 7114 more prominent is4vlnr as a result of 701, Axle Jt 5prf? Electric AuiolUe Jioat 16oi 16 3 'A .11.16 11.10 14.65 16314 1 4.7E 1314 621 KKW TOniC, March i fAP)-Copper SIttjtie: electrolytic, cpofanii' luturtir, lihic Iron Steady, uncHansecl. Tin Stpady; snot, 4B.B7c; futures 48.8T04tl.OOc-. Ltad Plrmj fpot, TsVw York, 7.10c; Kltl SL Louis, 7.057.D1-. lirin; Kast St, JjQu'iS, Bpot and futures, G.aSc.

Antimony D.533.37c. ,5: Tj March 1 (AP) Wheat 11.24145U.2S14: No. No. 2 hard, LitJBL. Pull cream triplets, lb 23 Full1 cream lonEhorna, lb Full cream sandwich loaf, lb .24 Ulock Swiss, 2S-lb, blocks, lb .35 Cream brick.

E-lb. brlcka, lb 30 Llmburser, B-lb. each, lb 5 6 Full cream, "Wlaconsln cured, lb 51 KANSAS March 1 (AD Edna Firsts, 33c; seconds; 29c.J Other products unchanged. SATLUDAT. First race, purse (503, claiming, 3-year-olds and up, si furlongrs (131 Fill V.

35, Maryland 112, Albert 134, Buddy-Clark. 114. Voir II 115. Soldier Bird 112, Just I'olliS 114. Private Seth, 111.

IVss Tioy 120, Prince. Taro 107. pave Hum 114. Gum Boots 114, Xllnj; ilan SB. Isamfln 107, Vanderhure 114, Lens Joe 114, Kltauea 114 Enrique 10T, Second race, purse (533, claiming, 4-year-olds and up, mile anH neventy yards (15) nslle Fay 102, Coy 107, Uarius 111, Catewhy ill, Itocty Lano 112, Beanie 111.

Prattle 10B. -WM 103, Our Dan 103, Crowner 10S, Sawday 113; Jly- Destiny 111, Praclalrrter 109, Many Vlaws 100, Iwenty-tvo-Sbtty Oneida 302. Third race, purse (6D0, olalminir, 4-year-olds and up. tile and one-halt tur-lonpta (IS) Kenney's 101, Jlr. Pat 103, Jlullrun 10S, Kenstar 103, Elander 303, ltaff Bag; 103, Cellini 103, Irish Stew 105, Opllgue 103.

Deadfall 103, IJraedaletanc 106, Burr "IVlnsloTV 103, Shasta (Iransy 103, Cup Pearer 101, rollow Me IDS, Aalll 103, Glassful 102, Aslc John 103. Fourth race, puree (700, maidens, 3-year-olda six furlong's (71 Kltsle 103, Virginia Lightning; 107. sir Kaoul 106, Northampton 112. Gorden King 103,. Santa Matilda 110, Enthusiastic) 100.

Filth race, purso (700, claiming, and up, mile and seventy yards (IS). Wynnewood 101, Setty IIaloney 102, Bock Bomb 109, Miss1 Turley 107, Royal Flag- 132, Zina- 103, Carrrlaole ill, Brian Kent IDS, Heel Banner 111, Oy Bahy 101, Poison Oak Mlb SfcGeo 104. Gondolier 10S, Murky 103, Radiance 103, Fortnoon 111. Siath race, purse (700, clalmlnir. 3-year-oida and up, five fur-lonus 11) Tommy Lad Peter Puft 92, altltter 112.

Night Itun 103. bMlss Lester 10B, bWoodlaee 32, Blue Blood 100. Col. Drage 112. Kentla 102.

Ann Curtis 130, aTheo Fay 112, aFoster entry, btrvfia entry. Seventh, race, pursa (300, claiming, handicap, 3-year-olds and up. eljc furlongs (7) The Caco 113, Walminu 107. Bonnlo Kiiyyam 108, Short Prjc 11B. Simony 114, The Tartar 113.

10 S. Hlghth. purse (BOO. claiming, and up, one milo (S) Bear Shot 101, Golflex 10B, La Denlelle. 101, Leyland 103, Jlonfllla 105; Guinea Hen 103.

Ninth race, purse (SOC, claiming. 3-year-olds and up, one and one-slsteenth miles- (IB) Polly Timhsr 38. Pluto 107, Conciliation 101. Money's Worth 30, Dr. Uark 104.

Almgren 101. Alabama Bound JOS'. Uuck It 102. Iteroakel 102, Runbanlt IDs, Scotsman 107, Red Pennant 100. Firth of Tay- ill, shampoo 107, Prospect 106.

M-h! tiler Rochester II 105, Golden Sweep 101, "Weather clear; track last. Electric Storage Bil" tnsineerg Tub Svc' imperial oil Canada Internat Petroleum Iron Cap Copper xEerr Lake. Leonard Oil Lib Ow Sh Glass Lion Oil I.onu Star Gas Marc Wire Mng Mason Val Mln Mavis Bot Co Metro Ch Stores Mln Co Canada lit Honeywell Reg Mohawk Hud Fw Mountain Cult Oil Mountain Prod Bradford Cornelia Cop Jersey Zinc sv Newmont Mln Petrol Nich Shep new Nlles Hem Pond NlplBSlng1 Mines Noranda Mines No Sta Pow A Power Ohio Cop Ohio Oil Pac West Oil Pandem Oil zPenney A pfd a Ohio Ed war Petroleum Co Phillip Morris do A Pow Corp Can Proctor Gam xrtepettl candy 'Republic lirass p.eynnlda Metal Satt Kim Co xSt, Anthony Gold Halt Craek Cons Salt Creek Fred S51i 6414 1311 i'ne lilt 6S14 SS ESS 74 34 13 7E llli 61 87 55 14 6314 3Ji IS 74-4 371 Eurelta Vac Clfancr E314 I' tsK Rubber rielsclimann 74 Fax Film A mlacd, (1.2614. Corn No. 4 SIi49214c; Tso.

yellow. 9514 9514. Oata Mo. 2 SlligilUc; No. white, 4804514c.

Eye No. 4, 11.05. Barley E373e. fTlmnthy seed SB.10S,70. Clover seed 133.50.

Lard til. 02, Bibs (1.1,26. Jiellles (13.75. public, with no rows or secrets of any kind, it further says that tlicro Is absolute respect for tho religious faith of all members and that Ko- tarlahs do not attribute to themselves any private moral code nor intend to create- any sect or natural religion, much less do anything contrary to the dogma of the Catholic faith. The statement continues wltft reference to actions or statements attributed to Individual members throughout our vast International organization which might seem to contradict the latter statements, the directive' authority Rotary must declare, the same to bo unauthorized and furthermore deplore any act contrary to any of these fundamental principles of our organlza lion.

The Civllita CathDlIca Mill publish my formal statement In Its issue Df March 15. with their observations, which I believe should end all further controversy and ter- ruinate tho previous misunderstand- lng. THE TIE THAT BINDS As an expression the community of business Interests In Canada and the United States in solvlnjr economic problems which apply', equally to both countries, ,1110. chamber of commerce of the United States has announced'that a delegation frnm. tho Canadian chamber commerce will attend the annual meeting of the chamber of commerce of tho United States to ha held in Washington April 29-May 3.

The latter organization will bB represented by a similar delegation at the meetings at the Canadian chamber. This pooling of interests Is only a further Indication of the effectiveness with which political b6un-darles can be bridged in -carrying on commercial Intercourse to mutual advantage. Canada ranks as tho best customer ot the United States and th-; United States as tho best customer of Canada. A list ot Canadian and American business concerns with affiliations on both sides of the border compiled by thB department foreign commerce of the chamber ot commerce or thB United States, admittedly incom- plete, contains more than 700 names. CHICAGO POTATOES CHICAGO, March 1 (AP) (USDA) Potatoes Receipts, 112 cars; on track, 213" total U.

5, shipments, S4S. cars; trading rather slow; market dull; Wisconsin sacked Round Whites. mostly around Minnesota and North. Dakota sacked Red River Ohio s. (1.O0G31.10; Idaho sacked Russets, (l.BO-SI.

SO; mostly nrouad (l.S0e?l,63- 3611 48 Texas Gabriel Snubber A. CHICAGO, March 1 (AF) Butter TTii.v,nn' 7169 tubs: creamery 31H General Am 31 9114 71 13'ie: stabuaraa, lac: 71W LOXDOX, Mareh 1 (AP) Copper Spot, S3 pounds 17s 6d; futures, 35 pounds. Electrolytic Spot, S3, pounds 10s; futures, 90 pounds 10s. Tin ejiof, 229 pounds 7s 6d futures', 22B- pounds- IBs. i.

i i LeadSpot and futures, 23'pounds 15s. Zinc Spot, 26 pouuda Es; futures, 2G pounds 10s. 213 Z51 247; t.tneral ng-a-r fienerat 'EIrctric General a A. (lencral Tifotorii S3 34 35 Ti S2i 71 249 S3 311 3614 101 SO US SS S31S 3S Gtn Outdoor Ad ciCl firsts. Ilrfltfl.

to seconds, 14 Higher; receipts 3710 cases; extra flrsls, 3914f10c; flritT, 33c; ordinary firsts, 35037c. Poultry, alive Steady; receipts, 2 cars; fowls. S3c; roosters, 23c; turkeya. 30c; ducks, 50c; geese, 23c. 11114 1BSH Generai Ry Sljfnal Oen Refractories 8514 0 Gillette Ealeiy Kaz 111 llil 4314 uirnijci ires GlltftJen Co Gold 43 711 9S 11 74 9714 NEW TOPIC, March '1 (AD Call money Easier; all loans, per cent; closing; bid, S.

Time loans Finn; mixed collateral, sixty to ninety days. 71i per cent; fcur lo alx months, 71i; prime mercantile paper, 5 14 tfj 11 Bankers' acceptances Unchanged, (favorable January nents now being 40 per cent ngilncome above the stjyear. Union than 5 points, St. stern 4 1-2, Baltimore and Missouri Pacific tja. new high at 81.

of the coppers wjhigh ground under lot- Anaconda, which ilglier at 155. Hecent metal prices will oUha net earnings of Dancers. Motors also signs of life', Packard ire'than 3 points on iced by- of an Nash, and Xel-nblng more than 2 on ItHe" lusher Brothera Increased their hold- napped back from an tcjtouch a new htfrh time at 193 7-3 in the riThe previous rec- -Jphio mounted 1-2 last hour, touching a 311-4, as the buying oadened to include rIB'laggards. Ttaclio lSup 16 1-2 paints ightfor 1959, in con-ESfpeak of 420. Ttossia unted 15, Union Fallow' Truck each GoodrJch Co.

XEff yORK, March 1 (AP) Egga fresh gathered extra firsts, 1514c; firsts. 4Siic asked; receipts, fresh jrathered extras. 47. Pacific 137i 13S14 OTIIElt (iliAIrr JtAItKETS KANSAS CITY, March 1 (AP) Wheat Becelpts, 204 cars; unchanged to 14c higher'; No. 2 dark hard, nominally (H103.IO: 3.

nominally jl.lG W1.25; No. hard. (1.1611.20; No, 3, SI. 1311 61.1614; No. 1 red, nominally No.

3, (1.2814. Close; May, 1 July. (1.2211. Corn Itecelpw. 110 tars; unchanged to 14c blfiher: No.

2 white, nominally SS14 0014c; No. 3. 87 'A 9 SS lie No, 2 yellow, nominally S314B014c: No. 3. 38 rfiraOci'No.

2 mixed nominally. 87SPB8c; No. -3, JE0861SC. Close; May, 8E5(o; July. 3814c, Oats Receipts, cars; unchanged.

No. 2 white, nominally E2063c; No. S-50c Hye I1.0S91.04. Barley 96c. Goodyear TItb Be Uraliam-Palge Ifot Granby Con Mining Gt Northern pfd 51 li 31 14 site 10 42 13 14 731 3611 131 It 91S 10314 37 U5 1711 109 Schulte Jl Estate Scbulto United 110 Shattuclt Denn tit Iron Jre ctr 34 Sierra Pac Elec 1114 3914 Gt Western Sugar-.

40 .11 Greene Can Copper 135 coast whites, extras. 4Ei4CJ47c; Pacific coast whites, extra firsts, 445M5C, IJutter Firm; receipts, 12, 70S tubs; creamery higher than extra. extras, 92 score, 51c; firsts. SS to 31 ecore, 1314 13 50 14c, Cheese Sjeady; receipts, 202,724 pounds. Poultry.

atlye-Dull; broilers, by freight 35c, by express 3042c. Poultry, dressed Steady: turkeys, 2S Few fc Lfit So Penn Oil Span Gen Cp 1714 ,10014 ,100 11 El 73 El 14 85 1 sin 011 ina do Kansas do Ky do Ohio Sllnnes Hugo stutz Mot Car Am MEW YOHIC. March 1 (AP) Foreign eicljansrej steady. Quotations In cents-C-reat Britain, demand, 154 13-16; cables, 1S5V1; sixty-day bills on banks. ISfl 3-16.

France, demand. 3.99 0-lG cables, 3.90 1-15. Italy, demand, 5.23 3-10; ea-bles. 5.21M3-1G, Uemand; Belgium, Germany. 23.70; Holland.

25.0514; Sweden. 26.70 14 Denmark, 20.6511; Switzerland. 10.22-Spaln. 15.30; areece. 1.23; Poland, 11.25-Csechoelovakla.

2.3611: 1.76-Austria, 14. OS; Bumanla. Argentina. 43.15; Brasll, 1L90: Tokfo, 44.00-SlianB-hai, G2.E5; Montreal, 90.50. 84 S714 S2H auli 7H1: 14414 34 so 52 3314 7514 141 iiann uept btorca.

do pfd Uouttoh Oil Howe Sound Co Hud Fan Manhat Iludson Motor Car Hupp iloLDr Car Illinois Central Independent Indian PLeflnlnff a. Inland Steel 42c. frozen 28110- 1111 Int 6 3114 31 Wool Market 31 351s 91 36 14 MINNEAPOLIS, March 1 (AP) Wheat Receipts, 222 cars, compared to 234 a year ago. Cash: No, 1 riorthern. 11.2314 1.24U; No.

1 dark northern, 14 per cent (1.3711 el. lilt: 13 per cent protein, 1 1 .38 11 1. 34 11 12 per cent protein. (1 24 li SS I 26 li No. 1.

dark Tick Hugh Cold Tex' Oil Land Tob Fred Export xTono Ext Itaplcl development of motor transport has much Improved tha distributive system available to South African aKrIciilture. 1711 DUi 5314 Interboro Hap TraJi 52 5414 16211 1G11 16314 Int Bus iiacrt Tanscont A Traps 35141 jnt Combustion Ene 9G14 9S14 Trans Oil pf Tr Lux Day Plct hard Montana. 14 per, cent protein, Jllghty thousand carrier pigeons were used in Great Britain during 113 11314 Int Harvciter Co lot iratch vtz Pfd lo arrive, (1.3511; No. amber (1.3614 (1.211itf 1.311s rso- i amber 2i 1714 loiil 1714 the war. Int Here Jiarine pfd UMon Tob 32 4111 61 71 losing ivas strong.

To-lproiimatct! 6,000,000 93 4S 6714 74 144 SJltt durum. (1. 2241. No. 1 red durum, I1.02S4S1.03S4; March, (1.2U4 May, 1.21i; July.

1 2 1 Corn 3 yellOTr, 3214 093'4c, No. 3 white oats, Barley C07lc. Rye No, (1. 0561,12. Flai No.

1, 8J2.EH,. Int Nickel Can Int Paper Int Silver Int Tel Tel 144 11214 93 1114 57 71 144 21614 211 9S Slli 1914 OUR BOARDING HOUSE By Ahern 13 216 BOSTON. March 1 (AP) The Commercial Bulletin tomorrow will say: "The demand for -wol haa been rather spotty and prices, have been rather irregular. Mostly, mills have been Interested in fine, and fins medium qualities at around 81. 00.

clean basis, for average wools and 11.05 or slightly more for selected fine staple. "The foreign markets, especially Australia, have shown a rallylnc tendency and prices have become firmer and sometimes slightly dearer. "In the west there has been little of interest, savo In Arizona, where the early shorn fine and. fine medium wools, according to the lot, have been selling In the rather wide range of 30 cents to ,218 ManvUle I JfifJl? 95 95 gMarket 1V4 19V4 3S fcoutoern Kayaer J. Co Tire Kelwinator Coru So LOrJS 1G -UJELU So LotSG.

Voii 20 1514 9211 82W Kennetott Cop r.llto 15 9114 6514 S214 90 14 63 4 SI 14 Kuleter Itadlo Vol! TbRSoTrefJ S'Pose. Sou'll Work. sfp.iUG-'BBS'! see 5 lavrKiMe Vfa ycJR vjAt OiJT rJECT 51.00. clean bas s. accoming to tne wool, IS 10714 loan 9 2011 VSAR WITH TH 23 'A 3574 100 13 714 in 'A A MICE pair of Hoiise SUPPERS IfJ MV 2P14 3S14 13714 S2JH Sli 7011 Yod 195 3314 8111 Tt4 6914 S14 7 Hi HAPPEfJ To iDAKE UP 1 (AT) Another JjOf tbe nelson waJi ws-etafr fugar tnarktrt to-Jalti: was conflriturd ot PhillpplnEs tori to a dtJTver(.

Cuba.n itejd' litjhly tins eteportPd ar ISOa hajfB eual tD About 3-73. JiBM-elatjrrly easy umler Bdfhy th clrcu.itlofi oE ftuXwhiJo the late months nlsnlon house The In-ipot TTiarket eraed lo aesresaive buying, how-rjtha whale lit eftusa "Icmt mlddeiy otja point J'Qlnt hlgliPi. with Home DOU'T' LET TH1 25 141i 23 llli KrttEC SS CO XCresiTi. JJept Storea Grower Grocery Ijmbert Co Lehigh Va) Lie fii Jlyers pf LqCWa Loft Inc Ltose Wiles Bis Lorlllard Co La Oil net Naeh villa Ludlum Steel Mack Trucks llagrma Copper llarland Oil Tday Dept Stores Maytag McKeeepjort Tfn Alex Scab Oil wHes! rn7 major falls mostly at 95 -to 58 cents for the hetter lots, landed Boston. "The piece goods market is healthy and consumption at the mills Is fairly heavy, Mohair Is slow and Quotations difficult.

Turkey fair average is reported bought in stamboul at 4 cents shipping point. "The rail and water shipments of wool from Boston from January 1, 1923, to February 1323. inclusive, vera 29.100,000 pounds against 39.630.0CO pounds for tho same period year. The receipts from January 1. 1B29, to Vftbrnsrv 11)23.

inclusive, were 1414 14C i CoUDUCToR 149Vi -BusreR HAS A 3014 113 7S 1031 EO'i CHARGE Voii 110 IKl, T5LL7M GBVH To'R FAB Afi1 TElCM 11014 HEAT SET OF SO 'I MORE "THAU HUF AH I I "TrtTVf Hi- JMl Iri i 4114 9611 2114 7714 1914 SAID IF HE BMBR CotAGS To CHICAGO H34.OO0 pounda again 38, 179. 500 pounds aTrTOT) 13 It P6 2114 151 4Si 1511 3211 1 53 for the. xame Tierfoil last vear. 7514 10 91 21 'i 7511 ISli 45 li 32 314 4 314 73 137 li IT WITH TM1 Miami Cooper Midcont Petrol SttERlTf To 6N Him a 47 321 1 S3 111 Middle States Oil atBtH-h European cOp-roimnfut European crop aled'the beet mijjar crop metric tons a3.nat tlma-te of 8.25,000 tan outturn 8,003,000 toni-jarket was untlianfiEd at muJated, iJBsteaily approximated larch. May.

2.02; Mo Kan Te JIo Pacific Montgomery Ward Here Is Your Opportunity FELT BASE $-f 95 RUGS 1 Size 9x4. Selling Regularly at $4.50. With the purchase of any if OCT 9x12 Felt Base Rug 095 At a special price of Various patterns to choose from. These rugs are of good quality and will assure perfect satisfaction. Make your selection early.

Supply is limited. First come, first served. A small deposit will hold your selection. Special Prices on Linoleums and Felt Base 340H Ct4 7414 7114 Murray Corp Am 111 111 1 4s 1L3 1S4 1S3 182 ISS 1S314 13514 ISO 131 451132 4011 43 llli Tjie BuUelln will putjliali the roHowlnp wool quotations tomorro-w: Domestic: Ohio and Pennsylvania fleflca Delaine Tinwanhed, UQUbc; blfofl comli-Inff. BOktffile; blooti coniblnB', EfiifiGc; blood comblns1.

E55c MkhLsan and New york fleeces De-lalne unwaitied, O02c; b-ood comb-ina, 4Gl7c; fc bloool comblns, 550e; blood fil lJ7 WlaCGnajn, JilJisouri and average rstw England i.i lood, 4S-3Sc; i bloocl, 3 tg) 4c 14 bloocl, 52 Scoured basis; Texan Fine 12 mOTiLliii, selected, 3.05 01.05; fine mpntliS, 11.00. California Nortliern, "ild-dlft count. 33flSc; soulhivrn, 50036c. DrrironFlnh antl fine medium staple. 11.05 flno and fine medium fr.

imblnr, ll.OO01.OZ, fine and fine Jn-ill um clotblng-, valley No. 1. lESfi 15311 40 15014 58 11 m-Market 5711 LSli 571i 601! 200 10314 1321 135 14 141 1 141 i 1 14 0114 3011 3414 31 65: II 193 1 133HI1SC14 aiotora Nat Blaciilt Nat C'aah Beg A Js'at Dairy l'rod Xat Distill Prod Nac Lead NaL Foiv Lzt Nov Con Cop Central ft St Louis li i II -M Ont West Norf Si West No Amn Co Nor -raclfic Otis Slcel Fae Gas Elec Pac Light Fac Oil alubfl jackarJ Mot Car Far Fam Lack Fark Utah Mln Fathe FXcha A 3'allno A Knt 103 1 07 li I0fl4 10S11 10J14 1314 5714 7S14 1214 57 7614 114 444 5714 7614 114 146 14 (AD Early on moderate re-on'gtailay. Trices firmed 'Bate trading; on" renewed ledtwlth aome trade and sartuylng. tleis- active than earlier Jtlthe advances -were en-latye firmness in Uayorable report from ralher a bulliah (BIT statistics, llldafter-ireswlthln a few pointa bSst fisni'ejf, Active tael aflvances of about 7 dRteady 2 points blffh4 tBtarch' 20 45f 20 -4 lyKO.

07420 October, rJMSpot rjulct; 152 $2.00 per $1.50 Regular $1.25 per C51S Territory: Jlontana. and BlmLlar Fine utaple choice, blood. comblnrT, jl.DSiiM-10; blood combine, U. 0245 1.05; A blood ilD7c. Pulled Delaine, Jl.J 0 1.13 AA, Jl.Oa ityi.OS; fine A uprs, $1.0 4 1.05 A ftiinerH 1 1 .00 1 .03.

Rcsular yard. Quality 6 4 54 Regular yard. Quality SI 65 1314 per 15 Yd, 2514 95c yard. special, yd special special 55 Mohair flood nriclnal ban TexaJT All yard goods priced by running yard, 2 yards wide. Phil Bead -Iron 1 14 1 50 65 13 1314 S3 3 Hi 39 I 3li 71 7114 50 SS'A I 21 20 SO 32 33 illi 71 71 191.

7514 3 til 38 11 34 70 7111 IS14 Phillips l-atroi Pierce Arrow A Plttahurgr Coal FOKturn isnrlne, 610020: xeatas kid, 8IS3cr pood c-risrlnal batj Arizona. and Nw MeKlc-n, orlglnal'bae, avemso JE Oreijori, bS06Oc- Graclcrl tock First coinblnF. TSSpaOc, (food carding, 5314 DISPLAYED IN WINDOWS Frairic Pipe Line. ,1 lh 1rtjied Sleel I at 211. Where a Little Money Goes a Long Way 21 Rfirch 1 CAP1 Cutlon o'tnjas done; prices eaa-FlBCt fiai ldlljtg, 11.16; itrlct mld-ilddtins, io.

Ti. trlct low 0t3Ow midtlllnir. 10.251 Producera 2 21 ii idPub ser Corp .1 250 33 Pullman Inc new IS! "44 EOSTOX Marcli 1 (Cnitfd Preaa) Dfrmand' for the fine territory wooli improvtvJ aome-what at llgbtly lower levels lo pries thun ms quoted Yitek. TIib bulk or tb current mien la of tin French, combine utanlep. quanlltlffl of original b.s: MDntnna- and Wi-omlnE poola conta.nln noma utrictly Fure Oil iui Radio Carp of Am.

170, 42 WEST BROADWAY. aood ordinary. J12U lOS'iHlS milufllnB H9 33i si Arr.Tl'-iin. OJfd alcadv; Hatch, combing ara brlnKinK, ncoyrtu ISOKjJcly. 10.

CO; Ortot-er. roYi, Epr.n" Vol mi mi ito.i.. 42; January iv.iv..

Salt Lake Telegram from Salt Lake City, Utah (2024)


Is Post Malone from Salt Lake City Utah? ›

Post moved to the Salt Lake area from Los Angeles a few years ago and has been a big supporter of Utah ever since.

When did the Telegraph reach Salt Lake City? ›

On October 24, 1861, the transcontinental telegraph was completed when the Overland Telegraph Company reached Salt Lake City, several days after the Pacific Telegraph Company completed their eastern section (the exact completion date of the Pacific Telegraph Company varies among the various historical accounts).

How deep is the Salt Lake in Salt Lake City? ›

At the average level (4,200 ft above sea level) Great Salt Lake is 75 miles long and 35 miles wide at its widest point. The lake is quite shallow, with an average depth of only 14 feet. At its greatest depth the lake is approximately 34 feet deep.

Do they harvest salt from Salt Lake City? ›

By weight, the primary commodity derived from the lake is common salt, which is produced by (1) evaporating lake brine in shallow ponds that cover many thousands of acres, (2) precipitating the salt (allowing it to crystallize), and (3) harvesting the salt from the bottom of the ponds after the water has evaporated.

What rapper lives in Salt Lake City? ›

Rapper YoungBoy Never Broke Again just listed his Salt Lake City mansion for 5.5m! Purchased for an undisclosed amount in 2022, YoungBoy lived in the residence while under house arrest according to @billboard.

Where is Karl Malone's house in Utah? ›

930 Northvale Way, Salt Lake City, Utah, USA.

How much did it cost to send a telegram in the 1800s? ›

According to Brian Dodson, writing for the New Atlas, a telegram from New York to New Orleans cost $2.70 in 1860. That translates to roughly $70 today. It was even more expensive to send a message on transoceanic cables. The cost is what led to the heavily abbreviated messages that were sent.

What was invented in Salt Lake City? ›

The world's first electric traffic light was invented by Lester F. Wire - a Salt Lake City police officer. Before the invention of the traffic light, officers would stand in the intersection to direct traffic, rain or shine. Lester didn't think this was safe - so he invented the first traffic signal in 1912.

When did Salt Lake City dry up? ›

In 2021, after years of sustained drought and increased water diversion upstream of the lake, it fell to its lowest recorded area at 950 square miles (2,500 km2), falling below the previous low set in 1963. Continued shrinkage could turn the lake into a bowl of toxic dust, poisoning the air around Salt Lake City (cf.

Is it safe to swim in Salt Lake? ›

Swimming and sunbathing are popular on the clean, white sand beaches at Antelope Island State Park. The salinity of the water averages about 12%, making it much saltier than the ocean. The water is so buoyant that people can easily float.

Why is half of Salt Lake red? ›

Among the lake's most unique features are the beautifully colored water variations in the northern and southern sections, which are divided by a railroad causeway and known respectively as the North and South Arms, The color differences are due to pinkish-orange algae (Dunaliella salina) and violet-pinkish halophiles ...

What percentage Mormon is Salt Lake? ›

It's been estimated that 31% to 41% of Salt Lake City residents are LDS. However, if you look at Salt Lake County, which is comprised of many other suburbs and cities, it's about 51% non-Mormon and 49% Mormon.

Do any fish live in the Great Salt Lake? ›

Great Salt Lake is too saline to support fish and most other aquatic species. Several types of algae live in the lake. Brine shrimp and brine flies can tolerate the high salt content and feed on the algae. Brine shrimp eggs are harvested commercially and are sold overseas as prawn food.

Can anything live in the Great Salt Lake? ›

Approximately 250 species of birds, 64 species and subspecies of mammals, 23 species and subspecies of fish, 19 species of reptiles, and eight species of amphibians have been documented in the Great Salt Lake environs.

Where does Salt Lake City waste water go? ›

The Wastewater Division collects wastewater from our service area and conducts it to the Central Valley Water Reclamation Facility where it is treated and discharged into Mill Creek.

Where did Post Malone grow up? ›

Post Malone (real name Austin Richard Post) was born in Syracuse, N.Y., and moved to Grapevine, Texas, when he was about 10. His height is 6'0”, and his birthday is July 4, 1995. Breaking out on SoundCloud in 2015 with his single “White Iverson,” which eventually reached No. 15 on the Hot 100.

Is Post Malone a Utah resident? ›

Post Malone has earned quite a reputation, not only for his incredible music career but as a Utah resident.

How much is Post Malone's Utah house? ›

Rapper, singer, and songwriter Post Malone bought a $3 million mansion in Salt Lake City, Utah, a nature-filled oasis with picturesque sunsets, valleys, and mountains. In the midst of snow-capped mountains, Malone can enjoy the solitude, safety, and serenity of Utah.

Did Post Malone go to college? ›

He enrolled in Tarrant County College but dropped out. After leaving college, Post moved to Los Angeles, California, with his longtime friend Jason Probst, a professional game streamer. According to Post, he chose Post Malone as his stage name when he was 14 or 15.

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Name: Moshe Kshlerin

Birthday: 1994-01-25

Address: Suite 609 315 Lupita Unions, Ronnieburgh, MI 62697

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Introduction: My name is Moshe Kshlerin, I am a gleaming, attractive, outstanding, pleasant, delightful, outstanding, famous person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.