The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)

he port of every American who is DEMOCRATS TO ASK could devoted Gov. Cox afford to the to added he: allied that proud cause. the of president the VOTES AS WAR AID and that here position and told: of they the There the found few Democratic traitors disloyalists the in chairman country, home. counties they should them and 'arcuse the remainder Ohio Party Chiefs Say Foe their: communities making Will See Defeat as Re- The Democratic the conference disloyal "migty lonesome fo executive. Chairman Durbin oudined buke to Wilson." mechanical details of the paign to the county chiefs, BY WALKER S.

BUEL Gov. Cox will make no political Plain paign, the Democratic party will 21 S. Dealer High Bureau, ahead with its usual campaign COLUMBUS. street. gram, including the taking.

of Preparations Sept. 17. and the distribution of literature to conduct the state no stone may be left unturned in Democratic campaign on the basis of effort. to return war the issue defeat for the Ohio tion to the state house. strued the world over as a rebuke to that "winning the war more Democracy Nov.

5 would he con- COLUMBUS, Sept. 17. Declaring President Wilson and, the adminis- test portant at than winning a political tration directing the war were be- Fullington any of the Chairman E. gun here today when Democratic executive committee. has sent a letter state Republican county chairmen seventy-two1 to all Republican county chairmen counties met with State Chairman requesting organizations them to to work turn over W.

W. Durbin. Liberty loan and asking for the no fourin1 Congressman William Ashbrook until litical the speaking campaign be made attended the conference a as a repre- 19. loan campaign is over, sentative of the Democratic con- "We are all most sincerely anxious gressional committee and the word for the greatest success possible he brought the party leaders from the over -subscription of the forthWashington, was that coming. Liberty loan," Fullingion gressional and both the con- wrote, Ale trust that you, your are watching national commit- entire political organization, all est the with extreme in- the candidates and Republicans genIt was he affairs.

in Ohio. erally will devote all the time ing that who sounded the warn- energy possible primarily to advance would be Democratic defeat in Ohio ing the sale of Liberty bonds in your country hailed by the foes of this community until tne close of as defeat for the war drive. Gov. administration James at Washington. He declared, however, that "next session Or.

Cox attended the in importance to the winning of the leaders a.t the invitation of the war is a Republican victory in Ohio: them and declared the addressed Plans for the opening of the camas Americans, not as partisans. paign Oct. 21, revealed in Chairman The governor said his purpose in Pullington's letter, call for 1.0**) appearing before the meeting was meetings throughout the state on that to urge the party men to suspend date. Automobile parties will tour political activities until after. the each county with speakers, holding coming Liberty loan campaign, As meetings at various places.

the Republicans alrcady have made a similar decision a halt will be Fund Solicitors. Held. called in general poltical maneuvers CAST LIVERPOOL, Sept. 17, until after Oct. 20.

Three wearing army uniforms, Gov. Cox said he wished to rally. were arrested here today as a result his hearers, as Americans, to the of their solicitation of donations for support of the president. With a a claimed soldiers' to tobacco fund. They peace offer having been extended 306th be regiment.

members aviation of Company from Vienna, the governor said the training at Carnegie Technical corps, eyes; of all the allied belligerents Pittsburg. Army oficers. at school, Pittsseemed to turn with one accord to burg notifed local police there was President Wilson? as the natural no such company. spokesman, to make reply, and that the president stood forth the fore- Changes Dame to Talmadge. most leader, of the world by common land HAS.

Thalheimer, formerly of Cleveconsent. entitled him, the gov- but. now a resident of New York, ernor continued, to the warm sup- has madge. changed his name to HI. S.

TalDANCING SCHOOL. DANCING SCHOOLS. FINEGAN'S DANCING SCHOOL East 69th Rosedale: and 6748. Euclid Ave. Beginners' Class every Monday: Advance Class Wednesday from 7:30 Social Dancing to 11:30 P.

M. Children Private Class lessons in Classic, Stage Dancing of any description. Saturday Evenings. opens Saturday afternoon, Oct. 5th.

under direction of M. F. TROSTLER SCHOOLS A AND COLLEGE SCHOOLS AND Private lessons by appointment. Register Now. COLLEGES.

"SEPTEMBER 18. 1918 CLEVELAND PLAIN DEALER -i truly their exploit of few. WAS ram: While camgo propolls that the conMI. their paOct. and of.

and the. in MARINE NEWS Will be a Big Demand for. Storage Boats in the Grain Trade. BY: GEORGE V. CALLAILAN.

Grain is coming into, Duluth more freely, and there will be a steady increase in the movement from port. tromi now, on. The Duluth vators were holding 1, 2.000 bushels last Saturday. cand 1,200 cars were received Monday. Tonnage is in fair demand at head of lakes, and steamers, four which will.

deliver. their cargoes Buffalo, were placed yesterday early loadings. Only one charter was reported at the Lake Michigan ports. A change: in operation has been made in the latter trade, and according to instructions received yesterday and red wheat will be. sent to Buffalo Instead Georgian Ray ports.

This plan will give the elevators in the latter district a chance to clean, up And be shape the time the movement gels started from the Canadian head of the lakes. Oats from the Lake Michigan ports will probably continue to go to Georgian Bay. D. SAV. Stocking, of the Duluth committee, who is in the city.

says that there will be a good supply of grain at the head of the lakes by the of the month, and that with good stocks in: the vators boats will get better dispatch. The late movement will be Very heavy, said Mr. Stocking, and there will be big demand for storage capacity, "The elevators will be pretty, well cleaned up at the close, and there wilt a large nmount of grain afloat at this end of the route." The Ashtabula, Conneaut and Butfalo oar docks had a pretty big line. good around, and boats were yesterday, but the car supply was getting fair dispatch. Ore carriers are a little slow reporting for car.

goes at the head of the lakes, and tonnage supply. will be light until tomorromber of big carriers are takcoal, and the demand for tonnage is being supplied without trouTwenty-seven vessels were named for early loading cargoes yes. terday: Loading is beavyrat Toledo, and the boats are doing quite a bit shifting. The railroads had 0,251 cars in port yesterday morning, nnd 1,699 cars in transit, making sight. The docks dumped cars Monday, and it was.

estimated they would handle 4,100 cars Tuesday. Grain Carriers Lined. (Sperial to Tho Plain Dealer) BUFFALO. Sept The movement of grain from Duluth -Superior Buffalo has begun to show signs of increasing, and it wis now. believed that by next week Ca considerable quantity of wheat will he here or on way.

The Wilbert I. Smith and North Lake were at the Frontier ele-: vator. today and Wednesday the La Salle: with 104.000 bushels, the Superior 167.000, Duluth 173,000 and the S. Morrow 275.000 bushels are due The La Salle goes to the Dell-. wood clevator, the Superior to the Electric, the Duluth to the Concrete the Morrow to the Frontier.

Notice to Masters. Detour reef gas and bell buoy SCHOOLS AND COLLEGES, With truly cultural and educa. girls are a vital force in the world of events. They arp doing impor. tant Red Cross and War Work tbat is of definite value to the country and are at the same time preparing themselves for future useful lives.

Ills Merrills, School for Girls In order that overs student may have the fullest benefit of all de pariments at Oaksmere: A flat rate of $2.000 a vear 15 charged There are no extras. A. descrip live booklet will be mailed on request on the Sound Fall Opens Term, 700 Boys Received at Sept. 19 ACRE ESTATE any time INTERLAKEN One on Silver for Each Prairie, for All Eight rupila Universities Teacher Lake Indian Prepares Where Boys by Doing' matirs Thorough and instruction in. sciences, mathe neering and languages.

'reparation for engiOhservation 'profesional studies at collages. Tilling of the trips poll, to sending, industrial institutions. vesting. care of live stork, etc. cultivating, Address Headmaster, Box Rolling Prairie, Ind.

Lasell Seminary Auburndale, Mass. 10 miles from Boston Science, Courses Music. Languages, Literatnre, nomics. Art, Household ing, management, facludiog entertaining, furnishdressmaking marketing, cooking, 15 and millinery. 30 acres, back buildings.

Outdoor aporia. Horse riding. WOODLAND PARK Lasell's Junior Department for Girls Under Fifteen. GUY al! 107 WINSLOW, Woodland Ph. Principal Road You'll Go Farther pay away more and get less by wending your hay to school.

Here in everything you dement, live men teacher, mora! modern influences, equipbuilding. prosy Start your here at the Not a dull, school. library, Lectures, (iymnaalum. Swimming Pool, All Atbletice, Get the catale. Address the Principal, See us Now Auto School 1815 E.

24th St. OILIO MILITARY INSTITUTE rate life and boys for leadership both In pares for m. the service. Pre boya. college.

Lower sebool fur younger Write far' catalar Bor A. M. Henshaw, Superintendent Hill, Ohia has heretofore reported out of position, been replaced in correct position. Crab shoal buoy Soo river, heretofore reported not burn. ing.

has Cleveland been relighted. yeast entrance lighthas been changed to A fixed white of lesser intensity and the ing fog signal is out of commission pendJar repairs to the cable, The rexu. light and fog signal will be restored as soon as practicable. Record. Coal Cargo, bound The steamer.

J. Schoonmaker is cargo for Duluth with the largest lakes. of coal sever on the Huron The took steamer, which loaded at. of on 293 cars or 14,767 tons a total cargo of and 406 tons of fuel, making 15,173 tons, Cleveland. l'ort Sept.

17. Stor States pass. miss Prop Fairborn, Toledo, mose. Prop Mara Imp Prop a Marquette, Royalta, Montreal, Neat Prop W. leer 11.

Ashtabula. Montreal, Barge R. Duluth, ore. I Age, Port Islands, Atmr lity ct Erie States, Detroit, pass, I Prop Prop Prop 1'rop Vega, Mars. Huron, Michigan, W.

Gates, Toledo, Duluth, coal, light Bufalo, light. light, midso, Pontland. Prop Royalite, Schneider, Mya Prop Prop J. K. Keyhell, Montreal, From 1 Eh Dimmick, light.

Prop Andante Chicano, licht. Barge Barzo told: Thunder Boy. lane Range Sagamore, Duluth. Kelley. Age, P'ort light Tux T.

C. Detroit, Islands, Kaht. ARRIVALS AND SAILINGS. cite: GARY. Henry Sept.

O. 17-Arrived: Saturn, Cleared: ore, Dnluth. atone, Ca taafa, Watt, A. L. Nettlown, Mac James light, Superior.

ham, light, MANITOWOG, Marquette, Sent, 17. Cleared: NottingReiss. ESCANARA, coal. Sept. Clemens, Sonora, Earling.

Carmi lake Thompson, Neptune. Verona Cleared South Chicago, ore; Small Mather. Lake Superior. DULUTTI, Bangor, Sept, Christopher. Arrived: Light for ore Me Pioneer, Williams.

Coal Dickson. Morgan Cores, Laughlin, Arctunw, Yalie Miler, Snyder Kerr, W. G. Pegasus, Mather. Reed.

la. Queen City. Light for Norway, Pass and Ta Argo. Tyrone, Cleared: Central West. Jr.

Mordon, Andrewa, Filbert. frown, Targuy, Ball. Walters, Butler Campbell, Laughlin, Fitzgerald. Arcturus, Barhum. Light- Christopher, Tooth, Grain- Argo, -4 dr.

TITO Cleared: HARBORS. Cole, Wolfin, Sept. 17. Wickwire, Arrived: Holley, Widener, Lake Michigan, lake FORT Yosemite, WILLIAN. Rept: monic, Manitoba.

Emperor, Breitung. America, IlaCuth: Cleared: Paine, (lenshoo, Ashland, Superior: MIntosh, light, Du. Loading Loading four: Harriet R. Mueller. Assiniboia, Erie.

light: Sept, 17 Smith, Arrived Americana, Niagara, Duluth, heat: Agawa, Gienisia, Alarquette, H. K. Smith, Superior, Oakes. Panay, North Oakes. Lake, Duluth.

W. Home Smith, Cleared: light; Siri, Cleveland, Tight. P'. Snyder, Superior, ASHTABULA. Ashland, Sept.

17. Munising. Inalnib, ore; J. If. Shenango, Duluths Peter Reiss, Byers, Francis ore: Montreal, light? Superior, Montreal, light: Sarnor.

Shrigley, Montreal light; Toronto, light; Simla, Cleared; Oswego. J. light, Grammar, Kalkaska, Montreal, light. raugua, Shenangn, Duluth, coal: J. J.

Turner, cht; light: Munixing, Superior. light: l'etor. Chicago, Superior, light: Francis Widlar, Chicago, Reiss, A. M. tigers, Chicago, light; light; J.

H. Ahrigley, Canolie, Montreal, Montreal, coal; Montreal, coal; Dundurn, Sarnor, coal: coal. Nicaraugua, Montreal, coal; Kale Toronto, Quebec, BRIE light; Sept. S. wArrived: 11.

1. Hall Montreal, Greene, light; Montreal, lizht: light; Corrus, Superior, ore. Mills, Montreal, Cleared. Stewart W. Quehee.

coal: Hall, Montreal, coal; Corrus, Duluth. 1. Bufalo TOLEDO, light: Sent. Key 17. -Arrived: dolling wond.

light. port, Montreal light; C. Vest, Montreal. Infalo, light: heyCleared: D. Chirago, light.

Glenliret, Iuron. light; coal; real, coal: coal. Went, 1. Montreal. Moll, soot, oral; Keyport, Montcoal.

Morse, Coulby. 77. Ireland, S. Calcite, limestone. Luluth, Mitchell, light; Cleared: Trimble.

Minch, Duluth, lobard, Goal, Ford, 17he Superior, Turner. SANDUSKY Clereland. Sept. Arrived: Cleared: Turner, light: Buffalo, ligh lubbell, cal. Milwaukee, coal; Croft, son.

Duluth, Sept. ore; 17. Helen -Arrired: Dunham, ClemCalcite. Buffalo. light: Roberts.

Montreal, Two light: bors, ore: Kelley Ialand. Islands, sand. Har. ley Cleared: Island, Islands, Rogers, Superior, light: coal; James Dunham, light; Duluth, Helen light. Diontreal, Eada, FAIRPORT.

Doluth: Sept. 17. James Cleared: Maida. Superior, ore. Maida, 'Two W'esse Ifarbors, Buffalo: light.

James B. lads, Lake Michigan. B. SOUTHT Schiller. George CHICAGO.

0. Sort. 17. -Arrived: Wm. ore, Duluth: Wilkesbarre, 31.

Poe, F. Buffington, stone, light, Milwaukee; Indus, coal, luffalo; ladIsland. Kelleys Baker, Cleared: William John B. Smeaton. Schiller, George F.

Annan, l'. Heiss, E. B. Osler, light, grain, Superior: Georgian GlenBay. C.

INDIANA Collins, light, HALBOR, Sept, Cleared: 1. Superior, Toledo: John F. Sept. Morrow, Robbina, City, Lewiston, Cleveland Buffalo; Brazil, Zenith Sept, 17. DETROIT-UP.

IT c'alumet F. Black. 7:10 rm Angelina 9.05 am Chattanooga .11:15 1:00 pm Houghton 9:43 am Imperial ard Krupp 9.45 am Ford: 1:15 Rawer P'aisley 10 am am North star 1:30 am pm Jenkins. 1:15 am 11. 2:20 Tagonda 2:20 am Rogura, 3:00 pm Kopp 2:30 am Vorrall 4:05 pm Roam am Ashley 4:10 B.

Ly. Smith, 3:00 am 4:17 Rockefeller 4:40 Byron 4:25 7:20 am Arthur 4:40 4:40 pm W. A Mick 10:00 am Berry. 0:13 pm Sweden 6:20 DETROIT- DOWN. Omedon: (Idringstome Channel) Delaware 7:15 8:50 pin Goshawk: 3:10 am pm.

Brightie' 3:10 am 8:05 pm Clemson Delaware 3:10 am L'tley 8:10 pm Joe 4:33 am Andaste pm Donaldion 5:20 din Sheadle pm Tratiale am 8:20 am Leilson 10:20 pm Roberta Jr. 8.40 am Manda 20 1m pm North Shiras Sea amn Adriatic pm Kennedy 9.00 am Cowle ca pm Rannoy 10: am am Chris pm Superior am S'hilbin 10:50 am Golden Normandie Ago. .12:30 12:30 A an Tomlinem 12:20 am Malintoa Richardson. 12:40 am P. Harrin F.

Iron am Amazon pm Ming, a Agnew J. Ta ridson. 2:00 am Felloweraft Zillab 3:10 2:20 am am: A. S. 6: Pm 0:40 pm SACUP STE.

Kinney Townsend 7:80 pm Senator am Jam F. Taylor 0:30 pra eror am am HOOYAF Langell 10.00 0.00 pm Murphy. 11:00 am Botuford Fulton am Saundera ...11:00 pm Martha 1:30 Sarnian 2: 11:30 am Barnum 4:30 am Norns Ashland: 11:30 am 11:30 Yosemite N) am Donaldson 11:30 am pm Pierce Manila 7:00 Adlame J. 8:00 7:30 am W. W.

1:30 ..12:30 Mel Rural 8: (4) am am Rrab Squire pm Hell am 2:30 House 8:30 A Sinaloa Pus 8:00 pm Shanghnewy 9:30 Am 3:100 Hydrus 30 a.m 1:00 pm D. O. Mills SACIT STE, MARIE DOWN. Niko 4:30 Troy. Roland 1:30 7:00 pm Sonoma 10.

Smith Am Winkey 11:00 pm Fairrairn am Morris Nasmyth 7:10 Fitch as John 7:00 Maitland ar0 French (wen Tannard am Ball 7:30 J. C. Hansa 1:00 am Bros. 8:30 Ax W. Thomp- Sultana son 3:00 am C.A Black Hart Greta am Lakatoo 4 (A) am' Phipps 4:00 am.

MACKINAW CITY- UP. 1. McGonagie licias. 6: Porter 7:00 1.40 tr am 11. MI.

wand Hanna. 0:20 pm Kramerge Hm peror 12.30 10 am pm Walsh Milwaukee pal 3:20 Harvester .12:40 am MACKINAW CITY -DOWN. 6: 6:40 1. pm Argus lonel am 11 cure pm Manch thunk. 4:40 am pm St aston 7:40 am JC.

Da 4 :00 Lynch pm: Richardson 3,00 am 1.90 Calm, clouds VIENNA SAYS HUNS DIDN'T URGE PEACE Newspapers 'Declare Germany Had No Advance Knowledge of Proposal. AMSTERDAM, The German government had no previous knowledge of the note Austria-liangary recently dispatched inviting the belligerents to a conference, it is declared in "authoritative German cles," according to the papers. papers This state. statement Is made, the news. as a result of inquiries in a competent quarter.

Germany. ready to support all steps to aid In bringing about honorable peace and the German government will avail itself of all means. that promise to bring peace nearer, it is declared. euna alving the views The statement printed by the vi. of the "authoritative German circles'! on the note reads: German government had no previous knowledge note.

The note WAS tro-Hungarian issued solely from the A sides on the grounds explained at length. There WAS no question, therefore, regard. ing a previous understanding, and it was a spontaneous act by AustriaHungary. the other hand, the natural confidential relationship between Augand Germany is in nowise assalled and the policy of the alliance in nowise a The noble motives underlying the entire action meri with the warmest. sympathy in derman circles.

steps will be supported lated to help bring about on honorable peace, as is shown by the of Gorman statesmen, The German ernment, too, will leave no means untried calculated to bring peaco nearer. "The note will be examined closeand with the Interest from this basic standpoint." rian Baron foreign Burian, the Austro-lungaminister, on Sept, 11, according "the Vienna dispatch, sent note to apostolic. nuncio at that Vienna. Monsignor Di Bonzo, stating his government had docided ing propose tho peace conference and Vatican to support it. urge "After four years of unhenrd of battle struggle and gigantte sacrifices the Europe, which has hag been devastating Shout A not been able to bring spirit of decision, Animated by Hag been reconciliation which already Deck 12, expressed in Its note of 1910, the garian.

approach government has decided to vite all belligerent states and inwhich them to novo the way to a pare ties by A will be honorable for all parexchange of confidential and unbinding thoughts. "Pull Hungarians of gratitude the Austromeinhors government hereby rehis that touching appenl which holiness, the pope, sent to all belligerents last year, with the exhortation that they seek an understanding concord. and live agaln in brotherly father "Firmly today convinced that. the holy also longs that the Inc mankind will soon. again enjoy hope blessings of peace, we confidently note und he will sympathize with our support it with the Inoral influence which 1s recognized all over world; "Animated by this thought.

I reyour excellency submit the enclosed text of the note 10 his holiness." LURGES HOME FOR YANKS Hend of Sandusky Institution State to Now. COLUMRUS, Sept. W. r. Burnett," commandant of the lone in a Soldiers special and Sailors at Sandusky, report to the state board of administration, recommends that additional land ho purchased near begin institution and that thot state that tion of young preparations now for the recepwho men In tho present wAr them will need a home provided for by the state or nation.

some Gen. Burnett 'also recommends that provision be made as n8 young possible by the legislature whereby men who return disabled from France may receive training 1 along educational and vocational lines. Day's Weather News Government Forecast. for Walenday WASHINGTON. fort Ohio and Thursday: extreme north.

portion, warmer; except possibly Thursday showers protWolnewlay ably fair. probably Lower local Michigan showers; Partly cloudy Wednesday, Western Thursday fair, Wednesday; Thursday Pennsylvania fair. slightly warmer Cleveland Weather Report. at The following data based 'on made day, D. am furnished meridian time, yeaterUnited States by the local office rf the ings building, weather bureau, Society for SatRept, 17, 1918.

(sAd leval) 30.10 m. p. 30.11 m. Humidity HE Wind direction Wind Weather velocity 14 10 north. Highest wind toiles hour from Arar.

TINTERATURES AT STATED HOURS. 3 15 3 m. m. 12 IN, 9 Highest tonierature this 1 Highest temperature same date last Lowest turn thus temperature same late last Mean Normal of tamp raturo this month to data (i Accumulated AX Total for 24 bra endni 30 Accumulated of precipitation this month to since Jan. Meteorological Report.

meridian taken at 7 5. Observations tire. Station- Wind today. wind. perature docity EAST OP THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER, Atian tr Rain f1 72 10 Boat Buffalo Car 66 Charleston So 42 6 10.

cloudy 14 52 Let cloudy 12 10 50 Grand Jean (ireon son BAJ loudly A Tear Ali! 44 Knoxville N- Marquette Clear .10 Montgomery .12 lit New my Pt. cloudy. 82 York Pitta La leigh 5 A Cloudy Tole 62 ,02 WEST OF THE MISSISSIPPI RIVER. Clear Galveston Kansas (N Clear 10. Los Angeles 74 12 12 St.

Louis on 64. 69 10 Sans SW Clouds; GO 86 21 BRITISH AMERICA. 15 80 SW we Beer cloudy 14 70 Cloudy Toros Ban I't. cloudy ye HEINIES RUN TO TUNE wh OF YANKEE RAGTIME Americans Are "Some Says British Officer, 5 Saw 'Em Charge Germans in "Blasted" Downpour Plain Dealer Special Cable) AT THE BRITISH FRONT. Sept.

"Hats off to the Yanks. Blame we it they didn't win all the objectives set for two days by mid-atternoon of the first day, and in a blasted rain that ununed everything Everyone In the group gave vent to his surpriso and appreciation by a low whistle The speaker WAS from the Jorraine front where ho young British. officer Just returned served as an observer. His comrades were eager as children to learn what the pals from overseas had accomplished in the biggest American operation of the war; The officer continued: but those columns of Tanks looked pt. thousands of them driving on like a mighty river.

Did the rain bother them? Not a damned bit. All hands were chirping as it camo, thing about Zip, Zip, Youve tot a Just as Short 1 taney Its some American ragBut lord how good it sounded. It: made. every nerve in me tingle. The tanks drove in and the swarms of Infantry hit the Germans.

Then the Heinies began to run liko rabbits, Just ax they did at somo in our big driver "But it was hard fighting most of the way, Just ag Wo found It last month. The were forced to win much of the ground font by. foot. The Americana mopped them up completely, 1t was 4 great show. fellows, The Yanks some allies.

They tight like hell; They certainly I mixed It. The ground was strewn with empty pistols and rifle shells, Those tell of sharp close range work. Yanks fight all the way from start to. finish. They are good natured boys of powerful build and spry panthers always ready for a dole.

You need an interpreter: for their had to laugh when the prisoners arrived. I'll never forget the setting. It was still ruining. The setting sun was nestled amid the clouds to the west, Aguinst its Color that of a blood orange, were ailhouetted the gaunt angles formed by trees stripped of their limbs and Waves Front the river: came Americans tho bark were of the artillery. The pouring towant the enemy.

It seemed there wag a million of them dashing forward, "Down another road came sands of captives. The prisoners were astonished to ave the Americans, Two Joung giants were in charge of them, It was funny to hear them. seemed to talk anything but English. They You could hardly understand it. It was Yankee a mixture of French, English and slang.

a A bit balky. craptured so one German of the sergeant American was charge of him drawled: sult. 4. Allay there, you big stiff. Toot Who.

d'ye think you are, United States senator or a move star a for Show algas of life. siderate SHut withal they were mighty conthem with the prisoners, giving. cigarets and matches. They them kidded as a them sort and seemed to regard of side Ameriran artillery was very much on the job. They potted the retreating Germans at open sight and did terrible execution.

As they say in America. the Yanks are 'there'. To American who heard the description it was crutitying to note the profound pleasure by the whole group. The sAme interest and approbation aro manifested along the whole front. 'The Tommies are as eager 84 the generals to hear the latest newa from the American front and they are Just as quick to praise the Tankers, METHODISTS HEAR BISHOP 4 I Oftla Conference Opens Portsmouth.

Special to The Plain Sept. 17. The Ohio Methodist confrrence opened tonight for seven day session when Bishop W. Anderson delivered an address on "Uncle and Ilia Job in took This thy morning about forty ministers conference examination conP. ducted Jackson, church by.

Rev, B. district Tomorrow program will consist holy communion, with Bishop W. Me dresa by In J. charge: D. Hawk: the memorial ad.

tion of the anniversary of the Women's the colebraMissionary Society, Ada C. president: address by Carrie Marge: Norton; historical by Rev anniversary of the board nf Sunday schools, Nev. C. Turles pre siding: address by J. Trenery: a 10 Merged, NORWALN.

Sept. -Through walk transaction announced today, the NorBanking National bank and the Citizens to have been merged. The 110 bank will be known, AS the Cifizena alock National of hank and will have a capital amount and a large undivided profit Pa surplus of 4 organized in Norwalk National bank 1405. AMERICAN EXPRESS. New Address is 2048 EAST 9TH STREET (Rose Building) public is advised that the recent re-organization of the major Express Companies affects only the strictly transportation business.

'The American Express Com-: pany will continue upon a broader scale at its new. location the important services tendered the public in the past at its offices, FINANCIAL -Money Orders At farrign and domestic); Travelers' Cheques; Personal and Commer4 cial of Credit; Purchase of Shippers' Drafts and Acceptances; Collection of Drafts; Pure chase and Sale of Foreign Moneys. ing FOREIGN of Export SHIPPING and Import Shipments to and from all parts of the commercial world; Foreign 0. Deliveries: Through Bills of Lading; Custom House Clearances; Marine and War Insurance. FOREIGN TRADE- Foreign Cred.

it Reports and Investigations Lists Foreign Producers and: Buyers: Direct Quotations and Sale mercial of Foreign Information Products: on Foreign ComMarkets. TRAVEL -Steamship Tickets and Reservations; lotel Accommodalions: Itineraries -and Conducted Tours; Baggage Transfer; Accident Insurance. Full information obtainable at regarding our the foregoing office. 2048 EAST 9TH STREET Main 5843 Cleveland STARES Continuous Operation EARNINGS and multiply without when trucks work steadinterruption for repairs. Speed and steady work will wear out any but the best trucks.

Length of service in miles and years depend on right design and sound construction; on proper handling and regular inspection. Records of years served and mileage delivered prove Pierce- Arrow design and construction. Our inspectors safeguard proper handling and mini- mized repair expense. Pierce-Arrow row Delivers more work in a given time; Loses less time on the job and off the job; Costs less to operate and less to maintain; Lasts longer, depreciates less and commands a higher resale price at all times. BREAD DELIVERY THE WHOL: 'ALE FISHER GROCERS "THUCK I for instance: A ing Fisher a Bros.

require certainty of delivery. number of trucks they selected Pierce-Arrows After to inspect- assure uninterrupted service. large territory, delivering groceries to their now cover a Pierce-Arrows 1 customers. Return loads will cut your haulage costs The Fred P. Brand Motor 4 Company Carnegie Avenue, Cor.

E. 46th Cleveland. Prompt Deliveries Available. THE up the ing: ble. of cars to You Can Yet Go to College at Government Expense and Salary of $30 Monthly If you completed a four- year.

Iligh School over 18 years of age and are physically fit for military train- are Course, ing and service, The College of Wooster is prepared to accommodate at least: 600 Student Soldiers in permanent buildings on the College Campus. Military Training Begins About Oct. 1st and Men if will there be admitted to College any day before enter and take is room. High School graduates under 18 may that if eligible College rates (about College work and military training at regular 18 and have $8.00 per week inclusive) until they reach the registered, when they become full members of Students' Army Training Corps and begin to have their there will and receive salary. The Government says expenses paid Send be frequent opportunities to register.

commodation your to, High School Certificate and request for acJ. CAMPBELL WHITE, President. WOOSTER, OHIO. High-Class Secretarial, Secretarial Domestic Training a Science 'and Finishing School particolar interest to high school and specialty; college high-class graduates. positions a Ot Domestic to meet Science war Up conditions.

to Date, Practical courses in me making. Preparation Al Combination College Preparatory Subjects. jects may be elected. Special in which domestic. science or Finishing Courses attention English.

French and secretarial Spanish snb. with native of timely topics, Art. General Current History and daily teachers, Science. Cookery, Sborthand and Typewriting. discussions etc.

7 Affiliated with the. Biart School Physical training under professional director. Music. and A Swimming. gymnasium, rifle teams.

playground expert. Girls Students from 25 receive States. individual attention whenever Canada and elsewhere. Last they year, need 14 it. Patriotic spirit strong.

Red Cross and other relief colleges activities. represented. Send for a catalog of this interesting school. THE SCUDDER SCHOOL DAY AND Superb central location at Riverside Drive BOARDING Address Registrar P. D.

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The Plain Dealer from Cleveland, Ohio (2024)
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Name: Msgr. Refugio Daniel

Birthday: 1999-09-15

Address: 8416 Beatty Center, Derekfort, VA 72092-0500

Phone: +6838967160603

Job: Mining Executive

Hobby: Woodworking, Knitting, Fishing, Coffee roasting, Kayaking, Horseback riding, Kite flying

Introduction: My name is Msgr. Refugio Daniel, I am a fine, precious, encouraging, calm, glamorous, vivacious, friendly person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.