The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)

A MW OBSERVATORY On tho Hoof of the Cnitom-Bowt. -Tha new meteorological observatory of the signal service office, situated om the roof of the custom-house, was completed during the past week and is now la all Deration. Signal Officer Kerk-am pronounces the arrangement the best equipped observatory in theeouB-try. The instrument located in ths. observatory are the anemoecope, or securing the direction of the wind the Svnsmoneter.

to deternnde the Telocity of the wind: the self-registering ram gauge, to note the amount of rainfall and the beginning and ending a sua ahlae recorder that photographs a reoord of and an instru- registering maximum and minimum thermometers, the exposed and wet-bulb thermoneters. a vertical minimum thermometer, a thermograph tor determining the record of temperature for weekatafiine without chauging the sheet, anoa whirling apparatus to which are affixed the exposed and wet-bsJb thermometers to secure tho tern-peratnre and evaporating "power ef the air in motion. There is also a space on the observatory platform for the new telescope furnished by the department at Washington. Two new nag staffs havebeon erected lor the display of wind signals. and frost signal, and for the display of wind signals at night have been supplied with electrio lights, so as to be seen by shipping along the river, and for the benent of the community in feneraL The staffs are 30 feet above he roof, or an elevation of 1S2J feet above the ground.

The anemoscope and anemometer are 119.5 feet above grou no. the thermometers 112.5 feet and the rain gauge slightly over 111 feet above ground. The majority of the instruments are connected by electricity with the signal office on the third floor, notably the wind direction, velocity and rainfalL An electric thermograph is promised for the near future, and with the barometric instruments now located in the office will give the alLthe information desired, except at regular observations, when the 1 self-registering thermometers, etc, require resetting for the ensuing twenty-four hours. The observatory i reached by the Peters street elevator to the fourth floor, thence by stairways to the room under the observatory, when a short, steep flight of stairs leads directly to the upper platform where a magnificent view of the city and sorrounduigs may be had. HAPncAL Koras.

IV reck Md Derelicts. On July 17, in latitude 44.42, longitude 40.27, a' wreck was passed level with the water, with a few timbers floating alongside, apparently a -vessel of about TOO tons. On July 18, in latitude 50.57 north, longitude 2S.87 west, a derelict bark was passed, her bulwarks had been washed away, deck torn up and buried, and main mast lying on the deck. She had a white bird with a black bill for a figurehead, and had apparently been in this condition for a long time. Sailing of the Hudson.

Tho Cromwell Line Steamship Hud-ten; Captain Frank Kemble, sailed at 0 yesterday for New York with a general cargo and the following passengers: I 8. Davis and wife. Miss E. Mitchell. J.

P. Parker and wife, J. P. Sarker Mrs. D.

K. Fox, Mrs. T. J. rippen -and two children, Mrs.

K. Lnyster and daughter, W. P. Kirchotf. Mrs.

Hirechburg, Mrs. A. Sherman, Thomas Dufly, IL M. Bern bey, L. Young.

F. Oil ion. 6. IL. Meyer, B.

1. Gardner, J. D. McCarron, J. A.

Koss, and twelve in the steerage. Gone to Sea. The steamships Para for Buenos Ay-res, Glen field for Rouen via Norfolk sad Topaze for Amsterdam via Norfolk sailed yesterday morning. TBI ITKiTHIS. fiiaxAl OrriCK, New Orleans, July T7.1890, lOpvm.

nue arka or low prxstjks of considerable Intensity is central this evening in North Dakota. "Aa yet no rain has fallen in that section, although Bapid 1 City reports a barometer of 29 Generally cloudless weather prevails east of the Mississippi with the exception of rain at Fort Elliott and cloudiness at Helena, Mont. Cloudless weather also prevails over the lower lakes. Ohio valley and Tennessee, Mississippi, northern Louisiana toad central Texas. ran haixfaixs reported from regular si anal service stations are as follows i Jacksonville 1.40 inches, Norfolk .08 of an inch.

Mobile .06. Montgomery .03 and Chattanooga. Fort Elliott, Brownsville and Pensacola less than .01 of an inch. The average rainfall in the Charleston cotton belt district was .93 ofaninoh. Savannah district .88 of an inch.

Mont- 5 ornery and Wilmington districts .50, tlanta S3, Augusta .12. Mobile Memphis .02. Galveston .01 and New Orleans district .09. MAXIMUM TXMPKBATCRXS OT 98 occurred at Bismarck. and Bapid City, D.

Fort 111 reports a maxi-. snunv ottfo, St. Vincent. Denver. Fort Elliott and 8an Antonio 94.

Davenport Kansas City. Fort Smith, Abilene. Bio Grasde-and Palestine 92. Paul, bt. Louis, Shreveport.

Memphis, Nashville and Brownsville 90, bioux City. Little Bock and Vicksburg 88, Louisville, Jacksonville. Meridian and Corpus Christi 00, Washington. Toledo and Galveston 84, NorfolktChattauooga, Pensa-ola. Mobile and hew Orleans 84, Mont-Mtaery and Atlanta 60.

lioualo 78. The forecast ior Louisiana is warmer. A Popular American. There is one American in Mexico, says writer jn the Chicago Herald, who, surrounded with' every conceivable temptation in the way of money getting, will leave there as poor as he came. He is United States Minister Byan, known at home as the Vest eon-.

greesman the state of Kansas ever sent io Washington. There, too, his twelve years of congress left him worse off than when he went in. Despite the un-i popularity of the present administration, he wields an influence with the Mexican government which will effectually prevent any serious misunderstanding between the two republics during his stay. Minister Byan thinks of nothing but the extension of cordial relations between the two countries. His enthusiasm on the importance of each to the other is contagious, and every Mexican he seee eatoheelt.

He has a brotherly feeling for every decent American, and has a practical way of showing it. A fellow countryman, sick at the hospital, told me he bad met Mr. and Mrs. Byan but Once or twice, yet during every day of his illness some appetizing dainty had leached him from them. He spends a good portion of his $12,000 salary in the entertainment of visiting and resident Americana, end it goes without saying that notations to tho United States legation are eagerly sought.

There lou, and Minister Uy an keeps them in 1,. 2 observe do at home, by strewing flowers on, the craves of our jwldiers who fell iS the This finished, he led the tno wsting Place of the Mexicensoldlers? His address closed with the words "Our country, may she always berfSTfc but, right or wrong, eur -comnify TeJrTlln Mexiean comes la contact with the unassuming nobility of Miaie- ter Kyan he feels an added respect for tis Stars sad Stripea. MISDEEDS ASP MISHAPS. Mrs, Glandfn's Sadden Death. About 7 o'elock Sunday morning Widow Louisa Agnes Glaudln, aged 38 years, a native of Italy, died suddenly ar her residence, a little grocery store, corner of Clara and Johnson streets.

Tho coroaer viewed the body and gave a certificated of death from heart disease. The woman left three children Mary Glaudln, aged 16 years, who is in the Ursuline Convent, and Annie and Joseph, aged 7 and 12 years respectively. The house was searched br Mr. Henrv Labarre. the coroner' cferk, and in the armoir he found a small OOX eoniaining otou in currency, sold watch and chain, a nocketbook coutaiaing $1 55 and some papers.

The money, lees zor lunerai expenses. wa tikken charire of and will be turned over to the pubao administrator. The woman came in possession of the mouey by the sale of a small piece of property a few days ago. A Boy Burglar Yesterday forenoon, about 11:30 o'clock, Bichard Carre aged 18 years, was discovered in the act of entering the store of E. Curtis, auctioneer, at No.

308 Canal street. The boy is em ployed by Mr. Curtis as an errand boy, and knew how to enter the place. He ascended the stairway leading into Dolbear's College, went on the gallery fronting the street and them oUinbed into the store through a broken window. He was discovered by Mr.

W. A. McClure, the professor in the college, and he immediately sent for the police, but on the arrival of Omoer Parker, the boy had escaped by sliding down the elevator rope and then opened a rear door and scaled the fence leading to Burgundy street, and tied. Curing the afternoon Odioer Buckley arrested Curren at his residence, corner of Johnson and St. Louis streets, and locked him up for entering in the day time with felonious intent.

A Small fire on Genal Street. About 2 o'clock yesterday morning an alarm was sounded by Office Feeney of Boylan's police, for a fire that was discovered in an armoir containing books in the office of Maoheca Brothers, steamship agents, on the second floor of the four-story brick building, Nos. 30 and 88 Canal street. The building is also occupied on the first floor as an omco by the Illinois Central Railroad, on the third floor, by Messrs. Denis Mehle, commission merchants, and on the fourth floor by Spearing A.

eailmakers. The building jtm damaged to the extent of about fSO and the armoir and books a boat An Alleged Bebbery. Yesterday morning about 1:30 o'clock, at the corner of St. Andrew and Annunciation streets. Sergeant Cooper and Officers Johnson and Fiynn arrested three white men named James Bonnet, James Kernan and John McDonald, who were identified by Geo.

E. Heam, a showman, as the parties who had assaulted and robbed him, about 11 o'clock Saturday night, of a gold watch and chain in the vicinity of the Magazine market. The watch was not found, and the prisoners were charged with being suspicious characters. Hearn acted rather strangely in the mattef. and he was locked up on a charge of being drunk.

i -All zigfct. 1 Yesterday morning about 2:20 o'clock, at the corner of Gravierand Bampart streets, Jae. Amodeo, Edward Mahoney and John Ward had a row, during which Mahoney struck Amodeo on the head with a brick and inflioted a serious scalp- wound. Mahoney and Ward were arrested, and on their way to the station Ward fell against a step and received a painful cut on the head. The men's wounds Were dressed at the central station by the ambulanoe surgeons, after which Amodeo proceeded to his home.

111 frm Kattas? Xsthreeiiu. Saturday afternoon, between 3 and 8 o'clock, a family, consisting of Mr. and Mrs. Maurice and two children, Mathilda, aged 5 years, and George, aged 8 years, were taken suddenly ill 'at their residence on Alexander, between Toulouse and- Bt. Peter streets.

The family had -partaken of mushrooms, and shortly after became ilL They were relieved by Ahe ambulance surgeons, A Boat la Gale. Last Saturday evening during the heavy gale the schooner Ida May, Oliver Johnson, colored, master, and owned by Captain Mas say, while oom ins into the New basin ran into the piling of tho railroad bridge at West End, breaking her bowsprit and damaging herself to the extent of about $40. The May also ran into the steamer Belief and damaged her bulwarks to the extent of flO. A Boef Caves la. Yesterday morning, between 11 and Id o'clock, the roof of a one-story frame row occupied by eight tenante, on Locust, between Washington and Fourth streets gave way and fell in.

Fortunately no one was injured. The building is owned by Mr. McGriffin, who resides on St. Mary, between Religious and Rousseau streets. A Bow.

Last evening between 4 and 5 o'clock a difficulty took place at the corner of Consiance add Washington streets, between Joe Bush, residing at No. 93H Eighth street, and Seymour Levi, residing st No. 42 Washington street. Bush was kicked over the right eye by Levi, who escaped. The ambulance was summoned and the students dressed the injury, after which he was taken home.

A Child Bun Over, About 5:15 o'clock Saturday evening, corner of 8t. Peter and Bourbon streets, a little girl named Catherine Frederick, aged years, was run over by a two wheel jumper driven by Frank Allmann, who wae arrested. The child was taken to its parents' home. No. 155 Bourbon street, attended to by a physician, who found both legs injured.

Jk. Child's Fan. Saturday evening about 6 o'clock a little girl named Ella Davison, aged 8 years, fell from the back gallery at her parents' residence, No. 84 Howard street, to the ground, a distance of about ten feet, and received painful injuries about her head. She was attended to at the hospital, after which she was taken back home.

Thieves Dew Towi. Last Friday night a sneak thief entered Mrs. Lautenablase'e grocery And barroom, corner of Clouet and Bampart streets, and stole $36 in cash, a coral boat incased in gold, with three bangles. The money was in a cigar box under the washstand and the boat was in the washstand drawer. A Crashed Arm.

About 4 clock Saturday evening at Reynolds' foundry, corner of South Market and Fulton streets, Torpie, an engineer, had his right arm caught in the machinery and severely crushed. The injured limb was dressed by tho ambulanoe surgeons. CATTSfQ BAlTgS. The bsncs of tbe river, head of Sorav paru street, caved in yesterday, and is in a dangerous condition. The slide at the head of Second street is alsoo aving rapidly.

sw ROUGH ON DIRT Family SOSS Is on top. ot there by merit. THE DAILY PICAYUNENEW ORLEANS, MONDAY, JULY 28, 1890: Electrical Affairs. Hatters of Interest pertaining to the New Industry. The twelfth convention of the National Electrie Light Association will open its session at Cape May, N.

on Tuesday. Aug. 19. According to Practical Electricity, a new electrio motor is coming into the field, the operation and construction of which the editor of that journal has had the opportunity to see and study: It is a motor, he says, which, if all accepted electrical theories are correct, ought not to "mote" at all but that it does do this is the justification for mentioning it at this time. It efficiency is said to be high, and for a given power its weight scarcely exoeeds a third of that of any railway or stationary motor now on the market.

A description of this wonderful motor is promised, and it must be a wonder of efficiency for its weight if it is even one-half the weight of some now on the market for a given horsepower. For example, Mr. Warren Hill of this city has an electric motor that will give a horse power for each fifty pounds of its total weight, and he thinks he can exceed even this in his larger machines of the same pattern. Under the heading "Perpetual Motion Again" the Electrical Be view tells of a Boston electrician and mechanic who has invented a small machine with which he expects to solve tho problem of perpetual motion. The machine works automatically.

On a metallic hub there are eleven glass tubes, perfectly air tight, partially tilled with a fluid, which flows from the hub to the ends on one side, and from the ends to the hub on the other, keeping the apparatus constantly out of a state of equilibrium, which keeps the hub and spokes revolving on a screw axis. The screw axis turns on centers, forming a diameter to a horizontal metallic ring, which is supported by four glass pillars to show that no outside force, such as electricity, is secretly transmitted to the mac blue. The Electrie Bail way News and Stock Exchange Review is the comprehensive title of a new electrical publication issued in Boston, the nrst number of which is dated on Saturday, July 19. Is is a small four-page weekly paper, and is published by the Electric Railway r'uolishiug Company of Boston. The Electrical World publishes an article in its last issue on the importance and even necessity of teaching electricity in the common schools.

It says: 'It is now conceded by all the foremost educators of America that there is need of an increased amount of manual training, meaning by this not the shop-work of the technical school, but merely that development of a child's intelligence that cornea through doing and observing, rather than through introspective mental labor. Right-here electricity should come into the curriculum. The modern experiments, properly led ur to and illustrated, would beget with phenomenal promptness that acute, observing interest in the young mind which it is the desire of every good teacher to create. Let practical electricity be taught to the rising generation, and the world's progress will be sensibly quickened in the coming decades. The advantage of such instruction, of course, is mainly to the fund of knowledge acquired by tne pupil, but it would also aid the real end of early education, whieh is the development of the The same paper publishes a resume of the experiments of Dr.

Edward Tatum, in regard to the physical mechanism of death by electricity. By these experiments Dr. Tatum has made it more than probable that there is a real difference between the effects of continuous and alternating currents, in that the former seem to lull only through a direct action on the substance of tne heart, while the latter owe whatever added danger they may possess to a distinct action on certain portions of the nervous system. He has also shown that the difference in the efiecte of the two classes of current is far lees than some foreign investigators would have us believe. "All this." says the Electrical World, "has a most beneficial effect rh removing ill-founded public fears, springing from ignorance of what really happens when an eleorio current traverses a living organism.

Let it onee be known that with a certain current- certain effects will bo produced, and the vague terror that now exists will in a great measure disappear." Some sugaS? works in Havana have recently availed themselves of electrical applications in the manufacture of sugar. The juice of the eane is poured into the middle compartment of a series of troughs, which are divided into three by two porous partitions. The outside compartment contains water, in whieh are placed blocks of carbon connected to the negative pole of the dynamo. The positive pole of the machine is connected with carbon plates in the middle compartment. The sugar juices are mined from the salts they contain, which are taken up by the water.

The addition of the current assists the osmotic transfer across the porous partitions. This method effects a marvelous saving in time, and is said to produce superior sugar. Among the electrical inventions recently patented none is, perhaps, more interesting than an engraving machine, which is electrically controlled and operated. This little machine appears something like a planer, and, like that machine, has a sliding bed, on which the work is placed directly under the engraving tool, which lsiheld in a crane neck. This machine, by suitable attachments, will engrave equally well on a concave or convex surf aoe as on a level surf aoe.

and in the latter may be in a straight line, in a oircle or in irregular curves. To show the capacity of this machine, it may be supposed that a silver tea service is purchased as a wedding present, and the purchaser requests that a monoicram be engraved on each article; the engraver can sit down, and on one piece engrave the desired monogram. Then, by placing this copy under a tracing needle and starting the machine, he may reproduce the monogram exactly like the original on each of the articles, no matter if there be a hundred. According to the Electrical Review, "Topeka is likely to have, within a year, the largest electrical plant for the general distribution of power on the continent. Plans have been made for the construction of a dam across tho Kansas (commonly known as the Kaw) river, and the utilization of the power thereby developed in the generation of electricity and its distribution, to mills, electrio roads, electrie light plants and other power, users throughout the i city.

The engineers in charge estimate that, they can develop power, and that they will be ready to supply it by June 1. 1891. They propose to furnish it at the rate of wiGper horse power per annum, and nearly SOOO-horse power have already been subscribed for bv power users of Topeka, the city subscribing for 500 with which to run its own electrio light plant. Among other bench ts to accrue from this enterprise will be the ability to dispense with most of the present steam plants and the consequent elimination of the smoke The Beview evidently forsrets that the largest electrical plant for the distribution of power is to bo in Boston, where the West End Company is building a steam plant with a steam capacity of 22,750 horse power and a dynamo ca- acity of 15,000 electrical horse power, is also putting in a steam plant at East Cambridge, which will enable an electrical output of 9000 horse These plants are not, of lor the general distribution of electrie power in the sense of that of Topeka, though, as a matter of fact, the distribution of their power throughout our city will be ery general Indeed. Boston Herald, July 20.

All btrmora of tne scarp, tetter sores, and dandruff eared, and failing- hair cheeked benee, baldness prevented by using fialTs Vegetable Bloillan Hair BenewerT For eight hours aa Infant of Stephen Burleen of Bridgeport lay la a tranee, and an undertaker earn and pat the babe In a gasket. Everytalnc was ready for the burial, when the child suddenly woke 5ghtoirUB Ut l5utUr "Mai It Ismail Electric 'Lights in Railway Trains. In the United States at least the system of lighting from storage batteries charged at each end of the run does not appear -to increase in popularity. The-Boston and Albany Railroad, after two anu, nan years' trial, recently abandoned electricity on the two trains that were so lighted between New York and Boston and substituted the Pintsch gaa system. It is stated that the principal cause of this action was the cutting down of the overhead wires in New York, preventing them from charging the storage batteries at that end of the line, as the oars were not equipped with oil lamps, which could be used during that time but it is also claimed that considerable trouble was experienced from the lamps frequently breaking, and that the expense of maintenance was too great.

The Pennsylvania Company, however, still continues to light its parlor cars from the storage batteries, using a low voltage lamp. The Intercolonial Eailway of Canada has adopted the the accumulator system alone on the trains between Halifax and Quebec, and now have more than forty cars fitted up with electrio lamps, whieh are of sixteen candle power, and vary from eleven to twenty-two to a car. The accumulators are charged at four different points on the Hue, running about 600 miles with the one charge, and the results thus far obtained are very satisfactory, but to provide for emergencies oil lamps have been retained in each cer. The combination of dynamo and storage battery first adopted by the Pullman Company ia gradually being extended in this country, and is giving great satisfaction in the east and west, but, it appears, at a large expense for maintenance. The Chesapeake and Ohio vestibule train, "Fast Flying Virginian," running between New York and Cincinnati with six cars, is supplied with lis lamps, divided up thus Two Pullmans.

SO lamps each; dining car, 20: day coach, 10; combination car, IS, and the baggage car, 3. Up to May 1. 1SU0, the average cost, per lamp, for maintenance and renewals was (110 per month. Yet where the exhaust steam is utilized for heating the train the oost can be materially decreased. With this object in view the Chicago, Milwaukee and St.

Paul Railway has recently added to its equipment two independent light and heat tenders, which carry their own boilers for steam heating and for running a Westing-house automatic engine, attached to a 2s o. 4 Edison compound wound dynamo, supplying the current direct for lighting all the cars in the train, thus doing away with the dynamo on the baggage car and storage battery combination. The results have been very favorable, and during more than six months of constant service there has not been a single failure. This company has four trains, covering about forty-five cars, lighted by electricity, and expects to adopt this system be illumination on all of through trains. A full description of the tender, with drawings and other details of the electrical arrangements, will be found in the The Electrical World of June 21, It is stated that the expense of building aud equipping these tenders is not much greater than the cost of tho storage-battery-dynamo combination, with the expensive wiring required in that system.

It is confidently believed that the oost of lighting trains by electricity in the United States can be greatly reduced by adopting the method so largely used abroad of getting power from the axle. Mr. Houghton, the telegraph superintendent of the London, Brighton and South Coast Railway, one of the pateentes of the system, advises mo that there are sixteen trains running on that road which are so lighted thirteen of them local trains and three express; the speed of the express train reaches 70 miles an hour, while that of the -locals runs from 20 to 60 miles an hour. The express trains are wired for an average of seventy lamps, and the others forty; the candle-power of these lamps varies from 8 to la, according to the speed of the train. The dynamo furnishing the current fox these lamps is placed in the baggage car, and has a pulley at each end Connected by belts direct with the axles of the car.

New York Electrical World. "Oross London Times' Editorial on the Katiar of Guard. It is unusual to send the guards upon foreign service in time of peace, and this departure from the rule will doubtless be felt as a serious inconvenience by the officers and men. Every one, however, capable of the simple ra-tiocinative process, will readily comprehend alike the reason and the intention of this exceptional treatment. In disobeying the order to parade on the 7th of this month the Grenadier Guards were guilty of gross insubordination.

Their offense was aggravated by the circ*mstance that only a few days earlier the battalion had been inspected by the major general tho home district, when the men had a full opportunity to make known, in the manner provided by the regulations of the service, whatever grievances they may have believed themselves entitled to "complain of. A further aggravation is found in the fact which came out in the course of the inquiry that the entire inexcusable demonstration of the 7th was not a sudden outburst of impatience but had been deliberately concerted. On the other hand, there was a mitigating cirenmstanoo which doubtless weighed with the authorities to induce them to try the men upon the comparatively lenient charge of being absent from parade. Upon the all but universal absence from parade becoming manifest, the company's officers went to the men's rooms, whereupon the men followed them in a completely subordinate manner to the parade grounds. That is to say, that having planned and carried out a demonstration utterly subversive of military discipline, the men appeared desirous not to carry the matter any urtber, or.

in other words, having been guilty of flagrant insubordination, they wished to a top short of mutiny. Strictly speaking, they laid themselves open to a far graver charge than that preferred before the court martial, which has marked its sense of the fact by inflicting punishment severe in relation to the actual charge, although light in relation to the charges that might have been formulated. Tho state of affairs revealed by this unfortunate occurrence cannot have been established without serious faults or indiscretions or omissions, or a combination of all three. That this is fully recognized by tho commander-in-chief is sufficiently known by the stern and comprehensive rebuke he addressed to the officers and men of the offending battalion, with what was probably an unconscious imitation of Ctesar, who stung his legionaries by calling them quirites. The duke of Cambridge told the battalion that he could no longer speak of them as guards, since they had brought disgrace upon what he had.

till then, regarded as the finest regiment in tho service. He pointed out to the men that they had made no complaint iathe proper manner, and severely censured the non-commissioned officers for their failure to make known the cause of discontent of which they must have been aware. All this condemnation, though inevitably necessary, would, nevertheless, have been felt to' be at onoe harsh and incomplete had not the authorities gone to the root of the matter by relieving Colonel ait-land of the command. To judge by his refusal to send in his resignation, except upon condition, the naming of which shows an extraordinary loose conception of the higher discipliner, that officer has entirely failed to understand how greatly his management of the battalion is Impeached by these deplorable events. The right of complaint to the inspecting officer is one which it is probably difficult to exercise in precise proportion to the need for using it.

It is tho duty of the colonel to see nis men have no legitimate grounds for discontent, and an eliiccx vho fails ia this respect may conceivably render it very difficult for the men to resort to the remedy prescribed by the regulations. Individual complaints are liable to be set aside as the expression oz private petulance and collective complaints tends to present the aspect of lnsubordina-inn- In it mm there ia no machin- ery of this kind that can take the place i of tact, discretion and consideration on tne part oi tne commanuing omcer. The moral for the war office authorities should be that there is need for continual intelligent observation of the officers, upon whom so much depends, together with the unflinching suppression of any who are found wanting in the qualities required for the successful government of men. It may be added that the non-commissioned officers are one of the weak points of the existing system, and that it is vain to expect from men of a few months' standing, either the qualities or the authority that come oi age and experience. London Times, July 2 North Dakota Farmers in a Bad Way.

A special dispatch from Jamestown, N. says "It will be a startling piece of news to the wheat-growers of Tiorth Dakota to find out on the eve of harvest that no elevator in the state will store grain this year. This radical change in the handling of the crop has been kept as secret as possible. It was determined upon, it is said, soon after the law was passed this year which makes all public elevators and warehouses pay an annual license of $3 50 per 1000 bnshels capacity. Nine-tenths of the crop of the state has heretofore been bought by- the elevator companies Upon the Duluth and Minneapolis quotations.

A farmer could Btore his grain in these elevators tor fifteen days for nothing, and keep It in store as long as he desired to pay a small fee therefor. "Now the elevators will refuse this on the ground that they are not publio elevators, and the farmer, who is mortgaged to the ears, will this year be compelled to sell his crop at whatever price the company may choose to allow him. In most cases this will leave him penniless for the winter. The law was supposed to be a reasonable one, and was In the nature ot a tax not so easy to evade as the old tax law has proved, but the companies, in order to evade it, will resort to this sweeping change, which will bring misery on most of the wheat growers of this state, a class of men having from 60 to 600 acres in gram, which represents all they have in the world, and which now promises tbe hrst actual return for their labor in three years. "By the plan of forcing private buyers out of the small stations and agreeing upon a price the principal elevators of the state will have, as in the past, absolute control of the enormous crop now heading out.

This crop will be large that the railroad commissioners have stated that all the railroads combined cannot furnish cars to move it one-tenth as fast as required. If the elevators decline to store it the confusion and dismay that will result will be something unparalleled. Of course, the demand for cars will be immensely in creased. Farmers, having no notice of tho elevators' action, will not have time to build bins or warehouses. They have, as a rule no granaries now, and cannot get money to buy lumber fox new onee to store their own grain in.

Many of them bought seed wheat of the elevator syndicate organized by Governor Miller this spring. This wheat was charged for at a bushel and a lien taken on the crop, which prevents the farmer from doing anything with it except to turn it over to the company as soon as thrashed. The plan of the combine will result in an agricultural panic for this section of the state." Seventy Companies Abolished. By orders issued to-day the command of Major General Howard is soon to be augmented by a regiment of infantry. The Sixth Infantry, now serving in the division of the Missouri, is to come east.

The headquarters and Companies and will take station at tho post not yet named near Newport, KV. Company to Newport barracks, Ky and Company A to Fort Wood to guard the statue of Liberty in place of Company of the Eleventh Infantry, whieh will take station at Madison barracks. The remaining companies of the Sixth Infantry will be assigned to posts within General Howard's command later on. These changes are in the line of Secretary Proctors proiect of abolishing the division commands and increasing the importance of the two departments to be oommanded by the two major generals. With the view of increasing the strength of the companies of infantry and cavalry regiments of the regular army, tho secretary of war has issued an order transferring the enlisted men from two oompaniee of.

each of the regiments oi these two branches to other companies of the same regiments. This practically abolishes fifty companies of infantry and twenty of cavalry, and distributes between three and four thousand men among other companies. The law will not admit of the total abolition of the companies, so they are kept on paper by having officers assigned thereto who are on detached duty or on prolonged leave. The officers attached to the companies to bo abandoned will be transferred to other companies whoso officers are now absent, and in this way the legal number of companies will have their full quota of officers, if only as a matter of record The transfers of enlisted men and non-commissioned officers will be made by department commanders, and of officers by order from the adjutant general's office. This is the most important change In the of the line of the army that has been made for years.

It is in the line of economy, in that it will admit of the abandonment Of a number of small military posts, and of efficiency, in that it gives the other companies something near a proper nuota of men. New York Herald. The Giffard Gnn. Ml A Weapon In Which a Volatile Gas Is Substituted for Powder. Saint Etienne Correspondence New York Tribune, says Saint Etienne, near Lyons, is the French gpringheld.

Here are tried and experimented upon all inventions relating to the armament of French troops and designed to work for French defense what the first installment of Springfield guns did for the preservation of the union. There is a government manufacture of small arms hero as well as private manufactories of sporting guns. The chamber of commerce recently granted to M. Paul Giffard, the inventor of a new gun, a prize of $2000 and a gold medal, and trials of the new weapon are About to be made in Paris under the direction of the military inspectors. The Giffard gun uses neither fulminate nor gunpowder, not even the so-called "smokeless powder" so much talked about.

These are replaoed by a single drop of volatil liquid, which, falling into a closed chamber behind the projectile, develops by vaporizing a great pressure and thus gives impetus to the projectile. The fluid ia a liquefied gas in closed in ajsteel cartridge provided with an escaping valve regulated by a movable screw. By pressing on the hammer the valve is opened and the shot discharged. The cartridge contains 100 grammes of the liquid. One-third of a gramme is a sufficient oharge for one shot in an ordinary hunting gun like the one presented by M.

Giffard to the Chamber of Commerce of St. Etienne. The same cartridge is good, therefore, lor BOO shots. After every shot a new bullet is introduced, but it is certain tha repeating mechanism will soon bo added by which the supply of bul-lets will be continuous. There is no fear of overheating the gun, for the shooting rather cools it, the condensation of the gas absorbing the calorie, just as the ammonia in the ice-making machine.

Moreover, the liquefied gaa does not vaporize instantaneously, but expands gradually, so that the projectile acquires its greatest velocity only 'at the moment of leaving the mouth of the weapon. Consequently there is nothing to fear from violent uaA sad den pressure upon the sides of the gun, and thus the projectile force can be utilized to its maximum. The detonation is something like that of the uncorking of a ham page bottle shap, short pop, and nothing more. Of coarse there is no smoke and no fouling of the gun. The liquid by its Tolatilixation gives out no disagreeable odor like that of the smokeless powder of the Austrian army which asphyxiated some of the soldiers during the trials in rapid firing.

Such is a rough skewih of tho new gun. Its real value will soon be determined by the trials ordered by the French government. A Defenseless Border. Testimony of General Miles Before tho Commerce Committee There was presented to tho senate yesterday an important and interesting document, namely, the testimony taken by the committee on commerce and relations with Canada. No report accompanies the testimony, which speaks sufficiently lor itseix.

a report, ever, will be made later on, when the committee has had opportunity to take further testimony. The testimony of General Miles is given as to the defenseless condition of the American border. He says: I believe that the railway system or British Columbia could be occupied by American troops in ten days. In other words, that the principal part of British Columbia could be occupied br American troops not, however.through Victoria. That is on the island af Vancouver, occupied by British forces, a place where the British government has expended millions in building dry-docks and navy yards and has made some surveys for fortifications.

They have there at this time a fleet of warships under the command of a British admiral. I think it is fair to say, what every intelligent man must know, that during that ten days the British fleet could destroy every town and city on Puget sound, destroy our railroad system there, and occupy our outlets for that northwestern country. They could also send shjps up tho Columbia river and destroy the city of Portland and that railway system." The testimony contains an account of the British fortifications at Esqui-mault, where it is reported that Great Britain is now concentrating war vessels, with a view to possible contingencies in Behring sea. The advocates and the opponents of reciprocity state their cases at length. Some very curious information is given as to the nature of the Alaska seal fisheries.

Most of the fishermen engaged in food fishing on the north Atlantic coast insist that the seals are very destructive of food fish, and that it would be a benefit to the country when they shall all disappear. There is abundant evidence to show that the seals are destroyed in the most wanton manner by hooting, irrespective of tho season, which ought to bo regarded as close, and even when the seals are in tho breeding season. One of the fishermen of tho northwestern coast said it requires over pounds of food fish per day to supply the seals, and that ft may become necessary on that coast to get rid of the seals in order to preserve tho food fish for mankind. Some of the fishermen predict that, with the existing methods of hunting the seals, there will not bo any seals ia Bahring sea in five years' time. The subject of annexation, of which so much has been said, is incidentally referred to by a number of witnesses, and the advantages and disadvantages which it is assumed would result from a union of the two countries are explained by individuals.

This includes Canadians as well as Americans. The committee itself makes no statement upon this subject, nor does it communicate any conclusion of any kind in connection with this testimony. The conclusions, as has already been stated, are reserved for a subsequent period, after additional testimony shall have been taken. Senator Hoar yesterday offered resolution, which was referred to the committee on contingent expenses, authorizing the select committee to continue its investigations during the coming recess and next session, Washington Post, Julys Try Poidr Extract, the remedy un salmons verdlot for Inflammation and Pain. JJo not OS Vg spurious prtparations.

rOBEIGX MARKKTS. IxnrDOH, July 37. There wae a moderate demand for dlsooun during the past week aS. On the etook Kxahaaire business was restricted. The public refrain from buying while dealers, in view of the settlement beginning on Tuesday, have put down prices of all kinds.

The Argentine revolution was not known until after the close yesterday. Ia the absenoeot disquieting news Central Argentines rose per cent and Kosaros 1H per sent. Uruguay, Guatemala, and Costa Kieas dropped heavily. American railroad securities were lifeless. Whatever tendency exists here toward a rise Is checked by weaker cable quotations.

Btil 1 the market la confident ot a sharp advance lntheautoma. The week's variation la prices include the following: Increased Ienver preferred 1H, Lake Shore 1, Louisville and XashvlHe, Vew York. Ontario, and Western, each. Ieoreased Mexican Central. Norfolk preferred and Mexican National 1 eaeh; Central Paelno H- Alabama and -Oreat Southern, Union Peelfle, bault Ste Marie and V9W York, Pennsylvania and Ohio H.

Canadians were steady; Grand Trunk firsts preferred advanced 1, and seconds and tolrd preferences tf. Mexican Ballway seconds advanced do ordinary 1, and do firsts H. In tbe breweries 2Tew Tork rose 3tt copper shares were firm; Bio Tin to advanced In trusts, foreign American general investment deferred advanced and do preference 1, American investment deferred advanced s. The week's Issue Include: The Anrto American Piano Forte Company, of which tilm Beeves Is chairman; the Berners Hotel of which G. A.

gals is chairman; and the Edison Phonograph Toy Company. Lohikmk, oly 37. Tho Liverpool Journal of Commerce says New Tork cotton operators have undertaken to run a corner ta Liverpool in autumn deliveries. They have set local houses to buy all spot eotton at the present basis as well as for Immediate delivery. They will try to run a corner in New York also.

The rise la silver and the consequent advanee In Indian exchange have gradually raised the price of Indian Council Bill from Is the lowest leveL to Is 7d, making an annual addition to the India budget of Paris, July 37. the past week on the trade was limited quotations were weak. Bentee show a risa of at for the week. Credit Fonder shares a rise of bit, and Bio Tin to a rise of St 87o Bank of France shares show a deollae of 20f, and Argentines a decline ef 60f. FkiBxrosT, July 37.

On the Bourse business was dull last week; prices, however, were steady. Yesterday's elosing prioes included: Italian Ss M.60, Russian is M.90, Spanish is 7SJ0, Australian credit 367, Austrian silver rente 79. Short xouanc on London 20.7. Private discount ibi. he-ports of rich harvests la Hungary, Bohemia and Galicta have had the elieot of advancing the prices of Austrian stocks, Bsbxix, July S7-The Bourse was quiet last week.

Prices were steady. Foreign Securities were lifeless. Speculations in iron and coal mining shares have been checked for a time. The persistent decline of prices eaused by the bad condition of affairs la these departments ef business forbid hope of a stimulus, which might affect permanent recovery. Ths oloaing quotations oi yesterday include Prussian consols 106.00.

Mexiean 6's 7.3S, Deutsche Bank 167.40, Handel Gaselohaft 1SS.3S, Laura Mine 1 45.87, Merman Lloyds short exchange on London 20.42, Long do private dis-eount S. Havava, July S-Advices ia the early part or tne week induoea sugar buyers to resume operations, and there were large sales at a fractional i advanoe. Later reports, however, were unfavorable, and buyers held aloof, the market -Wg quiet. Quotations were as follows Molasses Sugar Berular to good polarisation 2l8HWSlhi gold per quintal; muscovado, fair to rood rennlsg-, as to degrees polarisation, 39394. Stocks ia ware-noose as Havana and Jdatansas 3S boxes, 900,000 bags aud 13S0 hogsheads: receipts of the week 4oe bags, us hogsheads; sx-ports during the week so boxes, lToo bags and 127 hogsheads, of which 100 bags aud all the hogsheads to the United States.

Bacon $13 so gold ewt; butter superior American tj gold quintal; flonr Ameriean S13 35 gold ST barrel; Jerked boef 37 7S gold quintal; hams American sugar-eured tlT geld quintal for northern, S34 tor southsrn; lard in kegs tia gold quintal, in Una Sll potatoes Ameriean Si 13 gold Sbarrsl; lumber nominal; shooks quiet; white navy beans $6 25 gold quintal ehewlng tobacco SM gold quintal! hoops auiet: freights nominal: sxohange I ana, Spanish gold 2ttw2j. Is recommended on the principle that to teep well is not to get sick. Tbismarsound nonsensical, as everybody ia supposed to know it. But people don't always do whst Uxey know they ought to do. If they did It would not be necessary to call ausauoa so often to The Secret of Sidney, O.

It has done me man rood man all tbe pills I have ever taken. It has regulated my Liver, built up my system, and made my bowels move like clock, work. 1 chjerfully recommend 1U I ra not say too much is praise of it people who keep their Livers, and Bowels la good order ever get Z. To keep these organs in order use Maiuuia from time to time. It is not only proaol tlve Of Health In general, but Is confidently reeomm- ed for Piles, Constipation.

Headache, tu- ousness, and tbe many disorders artstrf from a deranged system. Get Dr. Hart, man's Ills of Life" and see how Manalis -has helped others. Ko charges. Manalla Itself is only 1 a bottle; for IV For aais by all druggists.

Address the Psnrs Medicine Colnmbns. (X. for of Life," rEECEDENTED ATTB1CTI03T. OYER A 10LLIOH ESTEKZv IiOMiaiia; State Lottery Cczizj. IneerporataS by me Legislators toelw.

tlonal and Charitable parpoa, sad ft trax. saadsa part of to present State OgMtata, ia 1S79.S7 aa ovxawxxucui rorsita voiiT Its OB AND XXTRAOKDLNAXT DkaW XK OS take place Semi-Aanually (Jsue ni rv comber), and Its G1AND SlKQUt KCMi La DfiAWIXOS take piaoo la seen ot ths sum tea months la ths year, and ars an Iran PahUa, at the Aeadsmy of Maaio, Keir Otkaay -Weds hereby esrnfy that wesepsrvhst-s arrangements for all the Monthly sad inli Drawings of Ths Louisiana Siat Lm, terv and in person nuut and eoatm to Drawing themselves, and teat the eane am eondncted with honesty, tauneea, aadiar4 faith toward aU parties, sad ws satherkM i Company to use this certificate, with iaeoir ef our signatures attached, ts its sdrat trs, te eadertlrned Banks and Baskets, vi pay all Prises drawn la ths Louisiana Stats I i terlea. which may be presented at our eouw. It TIT TTITiTTlIT TTT, Ti sal Tsi TTslTTi F. LAKATJX.

great, Beats Kafc BaahT' A. BALDWIN, Preet. K. OL Vat, Bank, CABXi E.OH5, Press. Union Xat, BaiX Graii Hciij Diirefcj wnx Axn rum a JLesdemj of Susie, Hew Orlesz rvEsnjia.vci 12, it: CAPITAL FREE 100.000 Tlekeca at Halves SSt Veafkm 3 Heche tV LIST OP PBXZXS 1 WTT OP fSOO.OOO a.iMuMf I PBI2B OF 100.0OO is 1 I pkize op FBIZK OP S.000 fPBLZiS or 10.000 are.

PRIZES OP 6,000 SS PBIZfcS OF 1.000 100 PRIZES Of tOO 2O0 PHIZES OP SOO 600 OP BOO 100 Prissa ef S0t 100 Prises of, jjoo lOO Prises of 200 TKBjrniAi OM Prises Ot SlOO MS Prises of 100 MsotsMSSMSM SSSSSsifiasessS kOrX-mi 3,134 Yritm ottisOttsatlng to. otlw4i a nwitm. A'V'lsZtj Kstft H1KI. m. i a larM a tka ssSMLapsriawi.

County, Street ana amoar. motv tp iwh e-ll Will sash asiUMhsfl feV Bissau wou aaJLavelope bearing year fun addross. IMPORTANT. onsy orders issued by aU Jtxprees Corny a Kew York, exchange. innrimn DAtTPrTTir.

Xew Oxleena a Autos Registered Letters Cast Carreaoy to I ItEW ORLEANS NAT10MAL BAXX, NSW LA. MMnt t4 BANKS ef New Orleans, and the Tloaeu ws aigaed by ths President an ox aa iwmwmw refloraiaad in ths Mrbe Courtei therefore, beware of aU Imliasne of ngnis are RKMKMBKR. that the preeent ChsrW the Looliiana State UrTCom pan tie FHhUiK COCBT PTUfc I Vl, STATES hasdeclded to be COXJ. with the State of Loulsiaaa awl pert. ef OoniiUtatien of the SteteDOFJS waloa adlonraed en thilwtn of July tots 7 -has ordered aa ABIEMOMEST ths ttos si the Stat to bo submitted the Pet at aa KleoOon a 189-A which win Charter ef tbe LOElSIAKA IOTT fOMPAKT to the yar WAii' HPSPBEP AND BTXaTKaB.

XMotisAest 119. TI1E DliOOU 0 new London. MANUFACTURERS Cf conon giiis, UNTERS of tha Latest Improve- Ft? tritn Astomaiio Feed, for RIBS, SAWS and ALL other 1 -Cotton GIos OF ALL BAKERS. A3r: -Bu-raateed. Write for prices, tlzt livered free of frelnhL Address ts t- -BAKER.

6LOO MBff VlVfl we eared ta Sere wKhewt pa wSertaWt5otarelth ana bettieef INJECTI0K. The Best Bemedy in tie lToril f--Gonsrrhoea sad Absolutely Pstnlsss Psa Prise, SL At An Drug snarea Whoteeala Ageam for Orne- ass I ULJa3 CO. a a-lin i I I i II 1 If.

The Times-Picayune from New Orleans, Louisiana (2024)
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Name: Carlyn Walter

Birthday: 1996-01-03

Address: Suite 452 40815 Denyse Extensions, Sengermouth, OR 42374

Phone: +8501809515404

Job: Manufacturing Technician

Hobby: Table tennis, Archery, Vacation, Metal detecting, Yo-yoing, Crocheting, Creative writing

Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.