The Washington Critic from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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The Washington Critici

Washington, District of Columbia

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ci o' THE WASHINGTON CIHTTCaTHUBSDAY EVENINGAPRIL 10 1890 A THE LETTER BENEIT AN IMPORTANT POST WASHINGTON CRITIC GOOD BOA'RDS $115 Sixth Street and New York Avenue CELEBRATED ITOKTH CAROLINA BOARDS HUMCHE TOUCHES OR IN Heinous Bilious di Congestive orms $115 Per 100 eet $1150 Ter 1000 eet cn NON PAKTISAN TEMPERANCE This is the lowest price good lumber has ever reached as all old builders will know at once Liibbey Bitti Dealers inLumber and Mill Work PIANOS (REGISTERED TRADE MARKO HI Manufacturers' ZB PRINTING ROBERT CLARKE Commissioners AGENT And Representing the Central Printing House NEW YORK HOTELS ANJ) BSHTAUBANT8 614 ourteenth Street VAULTS COBWEB 27th AND STREETS 920 STREET Big Drop in Harness GAS HOT PLATES AND BOILERS Gas Boilers $115 and $150 CarriageorCoupeHarness MAKE TJA 01 COEE 1H 10 OR 15 MINUTES KT WILL CURE CERES COLD Ohio Trunks and Traveling Satchels of Al OR SHLE BY THE USB KNEESSI SON A die by mbIL ftp SkfekcMW ClciT Ofc M01MB Bo rUfc 413 Tenth Street Northwest 5000 are 1 COO are 5f0 are 300 are 200 are meeting of Mrs avenue $40 reduced to $30 $50 reduced to $40 $65 reduced to $50 All Hand Made Work 50000 35000 20000 We call special attention to our Old Premium Port This Wine has taken the premium at all California exhibits for years Secure a quantity of it now Also a small stock of BBANDY of 1881 (AU kinds of JOB PRINTING and Engraving done upon the shortest notice In the neatest mans er and at the lowest price) If you need anything In the above lines send postal and agent will call Address Special attention given to the Repairing of TRUNKS and HARNESS Mailed ree to Any Address Caro and eeding of a book Issued by the proprietors of ood aud giving much valuable advice and assistance to the mother in feeding her child Address Doliber Goodale Co 41 Central Wharf Boston Mass NPRECEDENTED ATTRACTION! OVER A MILLION DtsTUIBUT ED IN HEAD Of Pure Cod Liver Oil and HYPOPHOSPHITES Of XaIxkxo aud Soda It is almost as palatable os milk ar better than other so called Emulsions A wonderful flesh producer Baptist Ministers Conference The Baptist conference of this city comprising fifty two pastors of Washington and Alexandria Va has indorsed the appointment of the Rev Dr William Gray as general so liciting agent of the National Univer sity under the auspices of the Baptist congress 1 or spring lamb and Washington dressed beef go to Kelly Ninth street wing Centre Market and Market ifth and streets WRAPPING PAPER TWINES PAPERBAGS WMhlDKton City Presbytery The Washington City Presbytery ad journed nne die last evening Its next session will commence at the New York Avenue resbjterian Church on ilon June 2 at 10 a 425 SEVENTH STREET Next to Odd HalL OT JAMES HOTEL EUROPEAN PLAN SIXTH STREET AND PENNA AVB WOODBURY Pronnetor tlnv nariiuilas irreat in hAriee aarUhnrif Inrsinvmi alba(Jubeb8 and Injections' ENGLISH PENNYROYAL ILLS lied Cross Diamond Brand Safe nirt and riwtvs reliable Ladle Bak Druggist ror mwnonu itnute in red meuillo boxes aaated with blu ribbon Takenoother 8ecd4e(stpC for particulars and Heller for 1 Church und air The fair at the New York Avenuo Bink under the auspices of St Catholic Church is meeting with great mccess It was inaugurated for the purpose of raising funds to erect a new church edifice at the corner of if leenth and streets northwest The fair was opened by Rev ather Mackin vho delivered an appropriate address of welcome The pretty tables arc at tended by the ladies of the congrega tion GAS COOKING STOVES to cook for eight io thirty pe Just the stove tor summer us? as in stant the cook'ng is done you can extinguish the fire And you win always have beautiful Bread BoUaand Blaonita Wholesale Depot cor ner Tint (treat and Indiana avenue WM IL GALT CO Reformatory for Girl is a stalwart movement on cut areouLLS Anheuaer Basch Nbw Havxx December 15 1380 The Anheuser Bosoh Brewing Association it Louis Mo: The sample aust Beer lately received from you for analysis has In 100 parts by weight the following composi tion: Total solid extract Alcohol Carbonic acid gas Water A Social Meeting The Social League held Its third regular meeting ou Monday at the resi dence of Miss Recd 108 Sixth street southeast A committee was appointed to ascertain the best way of celebrating uecorauon vay rue next will be held at the residence Garrison 312 Massachusetts northeast WASHINGTON ap4dASly Hosts of Applicants After Inteudent Place A lively hustle Is being made by more than a score of applicants for the place now held by Intcndent Stoutenburgh of the workhouse poorhouse etc This position Is one of the richest plums on the District patronage tree The salary this year will probably be $1500 an in crease of $300 betides the salary of $600 drawn by his wife as matron Be sides the actual money there are numerous dwelling house horse and carriage flower and vegetable gardens an allowance of groceries medicines fuel and other things almost too numerous to mention There is no wonder therefore that th applicants for the place are legion and they arc beginning to bustle and hum around like a swarm of hornets Old charges against Stoutenburgh are being resurrected and he will be subjected to a severe enfilading fire A majority of the applicants are well known cltizem of Washington Here is a list of them: Gettings Mankin Ross A ish Edelin Joseph Martin Joseph Hodgson Myers George Gaddis William A Beeks William Lee White Dr Wash ington Kilmer Blood Charles Jones Nathaniel Thompson Norton George Middour John Hodg son Jos Norton Richard Emmons Murray Goods Samuel A Groff A Hebnrd Calvin Chase John Sbomo Elias Barnes A Curtis William Bushby Wallace Kirby Perry Carson" Alberto Camp bell George Blaine Thomas Quan trill and William Spring The fact that this movement was on foot was called attention to by The Ciutic exclusively several days ago 6880 3390 855 89375 Bujjj oi Road Hamess $25 reduced to $18 $30 reduced to $20 $35 reduced to $25 $40 reduced to $30 OflS STOVES I preserroe ana nmy dorse El(l the ontj specific iorthe certain cure of this disease IN 3 AH AM IL Amsterdam We have sold Big Gfol KIVVil faction UK DYCHEACO Chlearo I1U 100 Bold by DrugflltA An Entertainment Tendered the Keller Asioiatlon by the Bohemians There was an amateur performance by the Bohemian Dramatic Association at Lincoln Hall last evening when was presented to a large and fashionable audience AU of the boxes were taken by leading society people The role of anchon was taken by Helen A Engle who was the re cipient of many flowers This lady Is an accomplished amateur and a graceful dancer Scarcely inferior to anchon was the Old adct of Mrs Jean Lock wood who appeared to divide the at tention of the audience with anchon Mr Temple as ather Barbeaud Mr orster as Landry and Mr A Barker as Didier were very acceptable in their respective roles The other characters were well taken and the dance in the second act was unique and graceful Disturbing Georgetown Harry Dodson Wesley Johnson Louise Gray Tillie Brooks Mamie os ter Edna Cherry and Eliza ranklin all colored were in the police Court this morning charged with disturbing the quiet of Georgetown The girls all pleaded guilty but the two men put up a combination between themselves to plead not guilty and clear the crowd They were all fined $5 or fifteen days 99900 99900 $1054800 John Spear One of the original pikes used by John Brown in hfs raid at erry October 17 1859 and with which the slaves were to be armed Is on ex hibition at the office of General 8 Burdett 925 street It is a formid able looking weapon and an interesting relic of slavery days Emulsion There are poor Imitations Get the genuine Colored Odd Reception The Colored Odd ellows of Past Grand Council No 44 gave a full dress reception and entertainment last night at Grand Army Hall to cele brate its tenth anniversary An ad dress of welcome was delivered by Mr Henry Holmes Re freshments were served and dancing In dulged in music being furnished by inc monumental urenestra me tire affair was eminently successful JOHH BEALL Commissioner or Deeds tor Every Stalo and Territory NOTARY AND 8 COMMISSIONXB Office Hours 9 to 5 1821 1 Street Talanbona Ho H4A ILDinHT WEVERW'j WASHINGTON GASLIGHT 100009 search has failed to show the presence of any adulterant and the compo Is very similar to that of the Best Beer of Munich and Vienna Yours etc 8 Johnson rofessor of Chemistry Yale College Washington Branch: irst street and Virginia avenue southwest RANK SCHWARZ Manager $300000 100000 50000 25000 20000 25000 25000 50000 60000 100000 Stop "tlreit Chronic Cough Nowi or If you do not it may become con sumptive or CoHeuniptlon Srrofuia General Debility and Wanting Dlacasee there is nothing like SCOTT'S mulsion IMPORTANT All ordinary letters containing Postal Notes Money Orders Issued by all Express Companies or New York Exchange Addressed A DAUPHIN New Orleans La Address Registered Letters containing cur rency to New Orleans National Bant New Orleans La that the payment of Prizes is GUARANTEED BY OUR NATIONAL BANKS of New Orleans and the tickets are slimed by the president of an Institution whose chartered rights are recognized In the highest courts therefore beware of all Imita tions or anonymous schemes" ONE DOLLAR Is theprloo of the smallest part or fraction of a ticket ISSUED BY US In any drawing Anything in our name ottered for less than a Dollar Is a swindle Opening Up Streets The Commissioners have granted authority to the Anacostla and Potomac Railroad to open the following named streets for the purpose of extending its tracks Eleventh ourth and streets southeast and Canal Third and Second streets and Missouri avenue southwest on the condition that not more than two squares be torn up at any one time TTmuAW ATTirVTV EASY TO USE HAY EVER A particle Is applied Into each noatrll and Is agreeable Price 50 cents at Drunists: by wall registered 60 cents ELY BROTHERS 56 Warren st New York AND THE TONIC Good for amily Use Beneficial for Woakand Debilitated Persons RSWIDDICOMBE MANAGER WASHINGTON BRANCH T08 and 705 North Capitol Street Telephone 273 apS NEW YORK BUET 405 TENTH STREET Best and Purest Liquors in the city Im ported Cigars JAMES COSTELLO Proprietor fe27 0p LOUISIANA STATE LOTTERY CO Incorporated Legislatura for educa tional and charitable purposes and its fran chise made apart of the present State Coo stitutien In 1879 by an ovanwHunxiNe roru LABVOTl Its GRAND EXTRAORDINARY DRAW INGS take place semi annually (June and December) and Its GRAND SINGLE NUM BER DRAWINGS take place In each of the other ten months in the year and are all drawn In public at the Academy of Music New Orleans La do hereby certify that we supervise the arrangements for all the Monthly and SemLAnnualDra wings of the Louisiana State Lottery Co aud in person manage and con trol the drawings themselves and that the same are conducted with honesty fairness and in good faith toward all parties and we authorize the Company to use this certificate with fac simlles of our signatures attached in Its Catarrh UHLANI BrLNi EDWARD DrtOOP 925 Pennsylvania Avenue Call attention to bls large stock of STEINWAY CHASB GABLER WHEELOCK BRIGGS or Standard Quality of our Wines we BEHNING and other Pianos I iviwvt The Wonderful Self Playing Delian Organ I n1lM Pncnmarc STORY A CLARK CLOUGH A WARREN I GTer IO UUI UUOlUIUCI OKGA24B Sold on Installments exchanged rented tuned moved and stored Violins Banjos and Guitars Strings a spe cialty Sheet music and musical merchandise at the old stand 925 Pa sve Thief Arrested The news was received with the utmost satisfaction by the community that he ha terrorized but the arrest of a disease that is stealing away a loved and valued life is on achievement that should Inspire heart felt gratitude Chilinces cold extremities depressed spirits and extremely miserable sensations with pale wan features are the results of disordered kidneys and liver Arrest the cause at once by taking Dr Golden Medical Discovery It is a purely vegetable detective that will ferret out and capture the most subtle lung or blood disorder Druggists wniXOTPTAIK Ml UKIAH WAMRArKB te VOIJTHOL CUUIS ud UKU ukay kadub HA lb KOBE Grind Upright and Square PIANOORTES Bpealal attention of purchasers Is Invited to of AuIlStockof Native Wines and Bran "HIGIIBST DECORATIVE ABT" fob dies always on hand Second hand Pianos at All Prices Wm Knabe Co 8x7 Market Space Thone 374 1 Spring Styles in urniture Carpet Baby Carriage etc This long established installment house located at 930 and 882 Seventh street north west is receiving its full supply of all kinds of merchandise that go to make up a com plete outfit for a comfortable residence His new stock of Refrigerators Baby Carriages and Matting is complete You can find just what you need in thia responsible store at cash prices on the Installment plan and make your own terms Goods delivered on first payment Give him a call Houghton A Jew Styles of Spring Goods This prominent furniture and upholstery establishment conveniently located In the heart of the city at 1218 and 1220 street northwest has just opened at Its mammoth store an elegant assortment of Wakefield baby carriages of the latest and most approved appliances for comfort and durability rang ing in prices from 1050 to 16 These goods fire the best value yet offered this season in Washington They have also just received a carload of the prettiest and newest novel ties in bed room furniture from 40 to 75 per suit They are opening an elegant aasort mentef the newest designs in all departments at thair xpagnificent emporium of fashion Trains leave Union ctvAaffl WA7 a fnt Point Comfort and Norfolk dally Pullman Buffet Parlor Cars to Old Point Comfort daily except Sundays Arrrlve In Old Point at 6:10 and Norfolk at 6:40 11:24 a Cincinnati Express dally for stations In Virginia West Virginia Kentucky and Cincinnati Vestibule sleepers through without change to Cincinnati arriving at 7:35 a 115 Vestibule Limited dally solid trains with dining cars run through without change to Cincinnati Vestibule Sleeper for Lexington and Louisville Pull man cars are open to receive passengers at 9:00 Office 513 Pennsylvania avenue ULLER Gen Pass Agent PRICE 25 CENTS Sold by all Druggists or sent by Mall on Re ceipt of Prtce MEDICINE CO ELIZABETH We the undersigned Banks and Bankers will nay all prizes drawn the Louisiana State Lotteries whioh may be presented at our counters WALMSLEY Pres La Nat Bank LANACX Pres State Nat Bank A BALDWIN Pres Nat Bank CARL KOHN Pres Union Nat Bank GBAND MONTHLY DRAWING will take place at the Academy of Music New Or eana TUESDAY APRIL 15 1890 PRIZE WM too 000 Tickets at Twenty Dollars Halves10 Quarters 5 Tenths $2 Twentieths 1 LIST PRIZES 1 PRIZE O300000 Is 1 PRIZft 10000018 1 PRIZE 50000 18 1PRIZ8O 25X0018 2 PRIZES 10000 are 5 25 PRIZES 100 PRIZES 200 PRIZES 5C0 PRIZES Atfuoximation Pbizes 100 Prizes of 500 are 100 Prizes of 800 are 100 Prizes of 200 are Terminal Prizes 099 Prizes of 100 are 9W Prizes of 100 are 8134 Prizes amounting to AGENTS WANTED EVERYWHERE Tor Club Rates or any further Infor mation desired write legibly to the under signed clearly stating your residence with State County Street and Number More rapid return mail delivery will be assured by your inclosing an envelope bearing year full address Meeting of the Union and Its Alms and Objects The Non Partisan Christian Temperance Union held a brief meeting thia forenoon preliminary to the big meeting this afternoon which will be addressed by Mrs oster Thia Union has no connection whatever with any other being an Indepen dent organization The term Is employed because the members propose to carry on temperance work without being al lied to cither of the political parties Among Its membership are Republi cans Democrats Greenbackers and Prohibitionists The present member ship Is 230 and it Is rapidly increasing Connected with it are three auxillUry soldier and sailor unions The or ganization is not quite two months eld rpHK fbbitt WASHINGTON 0 Army and Navy Headquarters our Iron ire Escapes and 400 Per Day rpHE NORMANDIE Corner 15th and I streets northwest Opposite McPherson Square EL CAKE Proyletor WILLARD HOTEL WASHINGTON STAPLES late of Thousand Isl House Proprietor OR SICK HEADACHE MEDICAL IT MEN ONLY! A DfKITIV or LOST or AILING MANHOOD rUdl I lit General and NERVOUS DEBILITY: nTTTO Weakneu of Body and Mind: Efforts XVJui of Errors or Exoeeset in Old or Young RobuU Hobk MANHOOD folly Rectom! How to ftoHnt StrenrUea WEAK UNDEVELOPED ORGANS A PARTSof DODI Abcolutely utUlln HOME BaneM! 1 day Mm tMtlly from 4T Stotoa Tarritoriea tad orel? Too ue write Urn Book full cxpliacUcm and proof anriiai totaled) free Addreea MEDICAL CO BUALO I PABST BREWING GO ormerly the Phil Best Brewing Co Manufacturers of ME RIBBON BOHEMIAN AND SELECT LAGER BEER CERES aiKBirzG mimmbola BILT MOG or GOLDKM HILL A rtauant Social Gathering Hiss Alice Edmonston entertained a party of her friends last night at her residence 320 Thirteenth street south west Dancing was kept up until 12 after which refreshments were served Among those present were Misses Burdine Roth Bresnahan Lake Lcesnllzer Uaufman Regan Jlills rs Dent and the Messrs Daly Colton Burke Duffy Davis Duley Rosafy Jasper Treworlhy and others A orth coming Lecture A youthful naval ensign Mr Bcrdnaon will lecture at the National Museum to morrow evening on "Korea1 and the It will be listened to by the National Geographical Society The lecturer was an attache of the United States Legation at Seoul Korea for over a year The lecture will be illustrated Succewfut Washlagton Boys In the annual games of the Sixty ninth Regiment of New York hold In fbat city on Tuesday night Sergeant Charles Harlow and Corporal David Nellgan of the Emmett Guards of ibis city won the first and second prizes in the drill contest TESTIMONIAL BROWN S3 West Jersey st Euzabxth June 28 1889 This la to certity that I have used tor some months with much satisfaction the combina tion of remedies for Headache known as Headache Trochee The remedy cures more headaches especially such as af fect Nervous Women than anything lam acquainted with and this certificate will be the means ot hanging It to the favorable attention 'of sufferers from that trouble I shall feel that I have done them a service BROWN There foot among certain prominent ladies of this city to secure the establishment of a reformatory for refractory girls The efforts of the ladies will be seconded by Judge Miller of the Police Court who Las already recommended the establishment ot such an institution "'Under the existing state of affairs young girls under sentence for misde meanors are confined in the female workhouse among old and hardened female criminals These associations make them worse than ever Mrs Hpencer is said to be at the head of this worthy movement ined for ast Driving In the Police Court this morning Bernard Dougherty a 14 ycar old boy was charged with driving at a fast rate on street between Tenth and Twelfth It appeared from the evidence that young Dougherty was doing the jockey act for bls father and exhibiting a horse for sale The own testi mony and that of his father proved that the horse was goine at the rate of ten miles an hour and Judge Miller Im posed a fine of $5 Mr Duboi Address The Thhty three Limited Club met last night at the Riggs House aud listened to an interesting address by Mr James Dubois late United States Consul at Aix la Chappelles He described an incident in his official career abroad where an American tour ist had his wife cremated to save the expense of freight on her remains across the ocean The transportation of her ashes only cost a trifle and were admit kd into this country duty free JSAJLLJCOMXM The Great Pennsylvania Route To the North West and Southwest Double Track Splendid Scenery Steel Ralls Magnificent Equipment In effect March 2 1890 Trains leave Washington from station cor ner of Sixth ana Bsts as follows: ob Pittsburg and the West Chicago Lim ited Express of Pullman Vestibuled Cars at 1050 dally ast Line 10 J50 am dally to Columbus and St Louis with Sleeoing Cars from Pittsburg to Columbus dally except Saturday to Chicago with Sleeping Car Altoona to Chicago St Louis Chicago and Cincinnati ExpressSSO pm dally Parlor Car Washington to Har risburg and Sleeping Cars Harrisburg to St Louis Chicago and Cincinnati and Dining Car Harrisburg to St Louis West ern Express at 740 daily with Sleeping Cars Washington to Chicago and St Louis connecting daily at Harrisburg with through Sleepers for Louisville ana Mem phis Pacific Express 1000 pm dally for Pittsburg and the West with through Sleeper to Pittsburg and Pittsburg to Chicago BALTIMORE AND POTOMAC RAILROAD or Kane Canandaigua Rochester and Ni agara alls dally except Sunday 810 a ob Erie Canandaigua and Rochester dally for Buffalo and Niagara dally except Sun day 1000 with Sleeping Car Washing ton to Rochester or Williamsport Lock Haven add Elmira at 1060 a daily except Sunday or Williamsport daily 880 OR PHILADELPHIA NEW YORK AND THE EAST 70 900 1100 and 1140 am 210 815 410 1000 and 1120 pm On Sunday 900 1140 a 210 315 410 1000 and 11 JO Lim ited Express of Pullman Parlor Cars 940 a dally except Bunday and 400 dally with Dining Car OR PHILADELPHIA ONLY ast Express 8 JO a week days and 810 daily Aocom 600 daily or Boston without change 815 every day ob Brooklyn all through trains con nect at Jersey City with boats ot Brooklyn Annex affording direct transfer to ulton street avoiding dotfble ferriages across New York city ob Atlantic City 1140 a week days 1120 pm daily ob Baltimore 685720 810 900 940 1050 1100 and 1140 a 1205 210 815 380 400 410 4 JO 440 600 740 810 1000 and 1120 pm On Sunday 900 906 1050 1140 a 21081580400410600740 810 1000 and UJ20 or Creek Line 7 JO a and 440 daily except Sunday ob Annapolis 7 JO 900 a 1206 and 420 daily except Sunday Sundays 906 am 41opm WASHINGTON SOUTHERN Im xmer March 2 1890 ob 480 635 745 840 945 1057 a 1204 noon 205 425 L55 601 8(2 1005 and 1187 tn On Sunday at 4 JO 745 945 1057 a 230 601 802 and 10 pm Accommodation pob Quantico 45 am and 455 in week days 745 a Sundays Richmond and the 430 1057 a and 415 daily Accommodation 455 week days Trains leave Alexandria for 605 705 8 00 910 1015 1107 a 120 300 815 510 705 9J0 1082 and 1105 On Sunday at 9 10 and 1107 a 200 815 510 7C5 920 and 1083 pm Tickets and information at the office northeast corner of Thirteenth street ana Pennsylvania avenue and at the station where orders can be left for the checking of baggage to destination from hotels and resi dences WOOD General Passenger Agent CHARLES PUGH General Manager Baltimore Ohio Railroad Schedule in effect Deo 29 1889 Leave Washington from Station corner New Jersey avenue and street ob Chicago and Northwest Vestibuled Limited express daily 11J0 a express 9:30 pm or Cincinnati St Louis and Indianapo lis express daily 8:10 and 11 JO ob PittsbubU and Cleveland Vestibuled Limited express dally 11:20 a maud express 8:40 pm ob Lexington and Local Stations tlOJO am ob Winchester and Way Stations t5S0 ob Luray 8:40 ob Baltimore week days 400 500 720 880 9 20 945 (1100 1200 45 minutes) a 1210 2 00 280 (45 minutes) 815(45 mln Utcs) 325 425430485 530620710745 900 1030 and 1180 Sundays 400 720 880 920 945 a 1200 G5 minutes) 115 200 280 (45 mlnotes) 825 4J5435 620710 745 900 1030 and 1130 ob Wat Stations between Washington and Baltimore 5 00 640 880 a 1210 825 485 620 1180 tn Sundays 830 a 115 8 254 85 6201130 pm Trains leave Baltimore for Washington week days 510 620 680 720 745 800 830 915 and 10 15am: 12001215 150210800 410415 500' 600 6 JO 710 780 830885 1020 1025 and 11 Sundays 030 745 830 915 1015 a 1200 1250 150 210 415 5006 20710 780 8808851020 1025 and 1100 pm ob Annapolis 640 a 1210 425 On Sundays 880 a 435 Leave An napolis 640 a 1205 850 Sundays 887 am 400 pm ob Stations on the Metropolitan Branch645 J1080 a fl 10 pm for principal sta tions only 1030 a 430 and 530 ob Rockville and way stations 185 ob Gaithersburg and intermediate points900am1 00 585 tll85 pm or Boyd's and intermediate stations 700 fiooo Church train leaves Washington on Sun day at 110 stopping at all stations on Metropolitan Branch COB REDERICK T040 TllSU TO1U T4J pm Sundays 110 pm ob Hagxbstown 1120 a and 530 Trains arrive from Chicago dally 1145 a and 405 from Cincinnati and St Louis dally 845 a and 150 pm from Pittsburg 710 a 650 dally NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA DI VISION ob New York Trenton Newark and Elizabeth 400 800 020 1200 a m230 420 and 1080 Buffet Parlor Cars on all day trains Sleeping Car ou the 1030 open at 900 or PaiLADELRKiA Newark Wilmington and Chester 400 8oo 9 20 1200 a m230 420 710 and 1030 pm or intermediate points between Balti more and Philadelphia 500 and f7J0 a m1200315 Trains leave New 'York for Washington880 1100 a 200 820 500 and1215 night Trains lbave Philadelphia for Washington440 815 1110 am135 140 605 740 or Atlantic City 400 a and 1200m Sundays 400 a ana 1200 noon tExcept Sunday Daily fSunday only Baggage called for and checked from ho tels ard residences by Union Transfer Co on orders left at ticket offices 61T and 1351 Pa ave and at Depot ODELL CHAS SCULL Gen Manager Gen Pass Chesapaaxe and Ohio Riilway Schedule In effect March 2 1890 Depot Sixth and Newport News Old DATS mim Stria" th Ihl (I A ffl I i BIT fit ft BV Km It lib' JLp If Bi gy II La thm "'4b3 MSSttnstwi mi to JI lirteDlybyl i i I I a I I I I 7.

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The Washington Critic from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

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Views: 6487

Rating: 4 / 5 (71 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Pres. Lawanda Wiegand

Birthday: 1993-01-10

Address: Suite 391 6963 Ullrich Shore, Bellefort, WI 01350-7893

Phone: +6806610432415

Job: Dynamic Manufacturing Assistant

Hobby: amateur radio, Taekwondo, Wood carving, Parkour, Skateboarding, Running, Rafting

Introduction: My name is Pres. Lawanda Wiegand, I am a inquisitive, helpful, glamorous, cheerful, open, clever, innocent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.